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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 7003 — Individuals with Disabilities

by Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; State Affairs Committee; and Rep. Caldwell and others (CS/SB 7010 by Fiscal Policy Committee; Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee; and Senators Gardiner, Abruzzo, Altman, Bean, Benacquisto, Bradley, Brandes, Braynon, Bullard, Clemens, Dean, Detert, Evers, Flores, Gaetz, Galvano, Garcia, Gibson, Hays, Hukill, Hutson, Joyner, Lee, Montford, Negron, Richter, Ring, Sachs, Simmons, Simpson, Smith, Sobel, Soto, Stargel, and Thompson)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee (GO)

This bill (Chapter 2016-3, L.O.F.) addresses the employment and economic independence of individuals with disabilities. Specifically, this bill:

  • Creates the Financial Literacy Program for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities within the Department of Financial Services (DFS) to provide information and outreach to individuals and employers;

  • Modifies the state’s equal employment policy to provide enhanced executive branch agency employment opportunities for individuals who have a disability;

  • Creates the Employment First Act requiring an interagency cooperative agreement among specified state agencies and organizations to ensure a long-term commitment to improve employment for individuals who have a disability; and

  • Creates the Florida Unique Abilities Partner Program to recognize businesses that employ or support the independence of individuals who have a disability.


The bill makes several appropriations to implement the programs and activities required under the bill. Specifically, the bill:

  • Appropriates $69,570 in recurring funds from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund to the DFS to implement the Financial Literacy Program for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities;

  • Appropriates $138,692 in recurring funds and $26,264 in nonrecurring funds from the State Personnel System Trust Fund to the Department of Management Services (DMS), and authorizes two FTE positions for the DMS to implement the provisions relating to enhancing executive branch agency employment opportunities;

  • Appropriates the recurring sums of $74,234 from the General Revenue Fund and $64,458 from trust funds and the nonrecurring sums of $14,051 from the General Revenue Fund and $12,213 from trust funds to Administered Funds for distribution among agencies for the increase in the human resource assessment; and

  • Appropriates $100,000 in recurring and $100,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Special Employment Security Administration Trust Fund to the Department of Economic Opportunity to implement the Florida Unique Abilities Partner program.


These provisions were approved by the Governor and take effect July 1, 2016.

Vote: Senate 35-0; House 110-0