2015 Florida Statutes
The Florida Statutes are updated annually after the conclusion of a regular legislative session, typically published in July/August.
14 Sections found
Chapter | Title |
115.01 | Leave of absence for military service. |
115.02 | Governor to grant application; proviso. |
115.03 | Appointment of deputy; bond. |
115.04 | Applicability of ss. 115.01-115.06 to certain officers. |
115.05 | Duties of deputy. |
115.06 | Reassumption of duties. |
115.07 | Officers and employees’ leaves of absence for reserve or guard training. |
115.08 | Definitions. |
115.09 | Leave to public officials for military service. |
115.11 | Leave not to extend beyond term of office; temporarily unoccupied position. |
115.12 | Rights during leave. |
115.13 | Resumption of official duties. |
115.14 | Employees. |
115.15 | Adoption of federal law for employees. |
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- General Laws Conversion Table (2024) [PDF]
- Florida Statutes Definitions Index (2024) [PDF]
- Table of Section Changes (2024) [PDF]
- Preface to the Florida Statutes (2024) [PDF]
- Table Tracing Session Laws to Florida Statutes (2024) [PDF]
- Index to Special and Local Laws (1971-2024) [PDF]
- Index to Special and Local Laws (1845-1970) [PDF]
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