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The Florida Senate

2019 Florida Statutes

The Florida Statutes are updated annually after the conclusion of a regular legislative session, typically published in July/August. 

100 Sections found

Chapter Title
1.01 Definitions.
6.08 Boundary between Florida and Alabama.
15.03 State seal.
15.031 State tree.
163.045 Tree pruning, trimming, or removal on residential property.
163.3208 Substation approval process.
163.3209 Electric transmission and distribution line right-of-way maintenance.
163.3213 Administrative review of land development regulations.
163.3221 Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act; definitions.
177.503 Definitions.
193.451 Annual growing of agricultural crops, nonbearing fruit trees, nursery stock; taxability.
212.02 Definitions.
253.036 Forest management.
316.515 Maximum width, height, length.
320.08056 Specialty license plates.
320.08058 Specialty license plates.
337.405 Trees or other vegetation within rights-of-way of State Highway System or publicly owned rail corridors; removal or damage; penalty.
365.172 Emergency communications number “E911.”
366.96 Storm protection plan cost recovery.
369.255 Green utility ordinances for funding greenspace management and exotic plant control.
373.228 Landscape irrigation design.
373.414 Additional criteria for activities in surface waters and wetlands.
373.4211 Ratification of chapter 17-340, Florida Administrative Code, on the delineation of the landward extent of wetlands and surface waters.
375.314 Damage to public lands.
378.203 Definitions.
380.04 Definition of development.
381.0065 Onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems; regulation.
403.703 Definitions.
403.707 Permits.
403.813 Permits issued at district centers; exceptions.
403.9325 Definitions.
403.9326 Exemptions.
403.9327 General permits.
403.9332 Mitigation and enforcement.
479.106 Vegetation management.
479.11 Specified signs prohibited.
479.12 Outdoor advertising on highways.
479.27 Highway beautification and tourism promotion pilot project.
482.021 Definitions.
482.211 Exemptions.
482.242 Preemption.
487.2031 Definitions.
495.111 Classification.
497.005 Definitions.
497.262 Duty of care and maintenance of licensed cemetery.
570.32 Division of Plant Industry; powers and duties.
570.44 Division of Agricultural Environmental Services; powers and duties.
570.82 Agricultural Economic Development Program disaster loans and grants and aid.
578.011 Definitions; Florida Seed Law.
578.08 Registrations.
578.09 Label requirements for agricultural, vegetable, flower, tree, or shrub seeds.
578.10 Exemptions.
578.11 Duties, authority, and rules of the department.
578.12 Stop-sale, stop-use, removal, or hold orders.
578.13 Prohibitions.
578.23 Records.
578.26 Complaint, investigation, hearings, findings, and recommendation prerequisite to legal action.
578.27 Seed investigation and conciliation council; composition; purpose; meetings; duties; expenses.
578.29 Prohibited noxious weed seed.
581.011 Definitions.
581.031 Department; powers and duties.
581.091 Noxious weeds and infected plants or regulated articles; sale or distribution; receipt; information to department; withholding information.
581.182 Citrus plants and citrus plant products from other states, territories, or foreign countries.
581.183 New citrus varieties.
581.184 Adoption of rules; citrus disease management.
581.1843 Citrus nursery stock propagation and production and the establishment of regulated areas around citrus nurseries.
588.011 Legal fence; requirements.
588.10 Posted notices; requirement.
589.04 Duties of Florida Forest Service.
589.11 Duties of Florida Forest Service as to Clarke-McNary Law.
589.275 Planting of indigenous trees on state lands.
589.277 Tree planting programs.
589.28 County commissions or municipalities authorized to cooperate with Florida Forest Service.
589.30 Duty of district or center manager.
590.02 Florida Forest Service; powers, authority, and duties; liability; building structures; Withlacoochee Training Center.
590.125 Open burning authorized by the Florida Forest Service.
591.17 Community forests; definitions.
591.18 Community forests; purchase or establishment.
591.25 Community forests; fire protection, etc.
601.28 Inspection fees.
601.44 Destruction of immature fruit.
601.46 Condition precedent to sale of citrus fruit.
601.92 Use of arsenic in connection with citrus.
601.9911 Fruit may be sold or transported direct from producer.
603.152 Maturity standard for limes; applicability; testing of limes; rules and regulations.
655.962 Lighting; mirrors; landscaping.
679.1021 Definitions and index of definitions.
686.602 Definitions of terms used in ss. 686.601-686.614.
704.06 Conservation easements; creation; acquisition; enforcement.
713.01 Definitions.
810.011 Definitions.
810.11 Placing signs adjacent to highways; penalty.
810.12 Unauthorized entry on land; prima facie evidence of trespass.
861.07 Obstructing roads.
861.08 Obstructing county and settlement roads.
861.11 Penalty for cutting or destroying shade trees along public roads.
865.05 Selling trees, plants, or vines under false name.
872.02 Injuring or removing tomb or monument; disturbing contents of grave or tomb; penalties.
1013.22 Obscenity on educational buildings or vehicles.
1013.51 Expenditures authorized for certain infrastructure.