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The Florida Senate

SB 1334: Florida Retirement System


Florida Retirement System; Revising definitions of the terms “normal retirement date” and “vested” or “vesting”; requiring new employees to, by default, be enrolled in the investment plan; extending the period during which employees may elect to participate in the pension plan; prohibiting certain employees from choosing to move to the pension plan after a certain period, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2012
Last Action: 3/9/2012 Senate - Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO)
  2. Budget (BC)
  3. Rules (RC)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
12/21/2011 Senate • Filed
1/11/2012 Senate • Referred to Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Budget; Rules -SJ 145
1/13/2012 Senate • Introduced -SJ 145
2/14/2012 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Accountability, 02/16/12, 1:45 pm, 110 Senate Office Building --Temporarily Postponed
2/17/2012 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Accountability, 02/22/12, 12:30 pm, 110 Senate Office Building --Temporarily Postponed
3/9/2012 Senate • Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability