HB 7129: Florida Statutes/General
REVISER'S/GENERAL BILL by Rules and Calendar Committee ; Oliva
Florida Statutes/General; Deletes provisions that have expired, have become obsolete, have had their effect, have served their purpose, or have been impliedly repealed or superseded; replaces incorrect cross-references & citations; corrects grammatical, typographical, & like errors; removes inconsistencies, redundancies, & unnecessary repetition in statutes; improves clarity of statutes & facilitates their correct interpretation; confirms restoration of provisions unintentionally omitted from republication in acts of Legislature during amendatory process & removes gender-specific references applicable to human beings from Florida Statutes without substantive change in legal effect.
Last Action: 4/1/2014 House - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 934 (Ch. 2014-17) -HJ 409
Bill Text: PDF
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
3/18/2014 | House |
• Filed • Introduced -HJ 289 |
3/24/2014 | House |
• Referred to Calendar -HJ 344 |
3/28/2014 | House |
• Placed on Special Order Calendar, 04/01/14 |
4/1/2014 | House |
• Substituted SB 934 -HJ 409 • Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 934 (Ch. 2014-17) -HJ 409 |
Related Bills
Bill Number | Subject | Filed By | Relationship | Last Action and Location | Track Bills |
S 934 (er) | Florida Statutes | Thrasher | Identical |
Last Action: 5/14/2014 Chapter No. 2014-17
Location: Became Law |
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Committee Amendments
Floor Amendments
Bill Analyses
Type | Analysis | Author | Posted | Format |
Bill Analysis | H 7129 | Rules and Calendar Committee (Post-Meeting) | 5/16/2014 3:42 PM |
Vote History - Committee
No Committee Vote History AvailableVote History - Floor
No Vote History AvailableCitations - Statutes (187)
Citation | Catchline | Location in Bill Location In Bill Help |
11.45 | Definitions; duties; authorities; reports; rules. | |
17.20 | Assignment of claims for collection. | |
20.60 | Department of Economic Opportunity; creation; powers and duties. | |
27.5112 | Electronic filing and receipt of court documents. | |
27.7081 | Capital postconviction public records production. | |
28.22205 | Electronic filing process. | |
39.701 | Judicial review. | |
104.0616 | Absentee ballots and voting; violations. | |
106.011 | Definitions. | |
106.0703 | Electioneering communications organizations; reporting requirements; certification and filing; penalties. | |
110.131 | Other-personal-services employment. | |
112.19 | Law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers; death benefits. | |
112.191 | Firefighters; death benefits. | |
112.1915 | Teachers and school administrators; death benefits. | |
112.3215 | Lobbying before the executive branch or the Constitution Revision Commission; registration and reporting; investigation by commission. | |
112.324 | Procedures on complaints of violations and referrals; public records and meeting exemptions. | |
117.05 | Use of notary commission; unlawful use; notary fee; seal; duties; employer liability; name change; advertising; photocopies; penalties. | |
120.74 | Agency review, revision, and report. | |
120.81 | Exceptions and special requirements; general areas. | |
122.01 | State and County Officers and Employees’ Retirement System; consolidation; divisions. | |
122.22 | Applicable law. | |
122.28 | Benefits. | |
163.3187 | Process for adoption of small-scale comprehensive plan amendment. | |
163.3246 | Local government comprehensive planning certification program. | |
196.075 | Additional homestead exemption for persons 65 and older. | |
206.414 | Collection of certain taxes; prohibited credits and refunds. | |
206.606 | Distribution of certain proceeds. | |
215.618 | Bonds for acquisition and improvement of land, water areas, and related property interests and resources. | |
215.89 | Charts of account. | |
243.52 | Definitions. | |
253.034 | State-owned lands; uses. | |
253.66 | Change in bulkhead lines, Pinellas County. | |
255.60 | Special contracts with charitable or not-for-profit organizations. | |
259.037 | Land Management Uniform Accounting Council. | |
259.105 | The Florida Forever Act. | |
265.601 | Cultural Endowment Program; short title. | |
265.603 | Definitions relating to Cultural Endowment Program. | |
285.18 | Tribal council as governing body; powers and duties. | |
287.064 | Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases. | |
287.135 | Prohibition against contracting with scrutinized companies. | |
288.001 | The Florida Small Business Development Center Network | |
288.11621 | Spring training baseball franchises. | |
288.7015 | Appointment of rules ombudsman; duties. | |
288.9918 | Annual reporting by a community development entity. | |
290.00726 | Enterprise zone designation for Martin County. | |
290.00727 | Enterprise zone designation for the City of Palm Bay. | |
290.00728 | Enterprise zone designation for Lake County. | |
290.00729 | Enterprise zone designation for Charlotte County. | |
290.00731 | Enterprise zone designation for Citrus County. | |
290.0074 | Enterprise zone designation for Sumter County. | |
316.305 | Wireless communications devices; prohibition. | |
318.14 | Noncriminal traffic infractions; exception; procedures. | |
318.1451 | Driver improvement schools. | |
319.21 | Necessity of manufacturer’s statement of origin and certificate of title. | |
319.30 | Definitions; dismantling, destruction, change of identity of motor vehicle or mobile home; salvage. | |
322.12 | Examination of applicants. | |
322.143 | Use of a driver license or identification card. | |
322.21 | License fees; procedure for handling and collecting fees. | |
322.292 | DUI programs supervision; powers and duties of the department. | |
323.002 | County and municipal wrecker operator systems; penalties for operation outside of system. | |
326.004 | Licensing. | |
334.065 | Center for Urban Transportation Research. | |
339.135 | Work program; legislative budget request; definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and amendment. | |
366.04 | Jurisdiction of commission. | |
366.11 | Certain exemptions. | |
366.80 | Short title. | |
366.81 | Legislative findings and intent. | |
366.82 | Definition; goals; plans; programs; annual reports; energy audits. | |
366.83 | Certain laws not applicable; saving clause. | |
366.94 | Electric vehicle charging stations. | |
373.036 | Florida water plan; district water management plans. | |
373.0363 | Southern Water Use Caution Area Recovery Strategy. | |
373.4145 | Part IV permitting program within the geographical jurisdiction of the Northwest Florida Water Management District. | |
373.4592 | Everglades improvement and management. | |
373.59 | Water Management Lands Trust Fund. | |
375.313 | Commission powers and duties. | |
376.011 | Pollutant Discharge Prevention and Control Act; short title. | |
376.3078 | Drycleaning facility restoration; funds; uses; liability; recovery of expenditures. | |
379.333 | Arrest by officers of the commission; recognizance; cash bond; citation. | |
379.3511 | Appointment of subagents for the sale of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses and permits. | |
381.911 | Prostate Cancer Awareness Program. | |
382.009 | Recognition of brain death under certain circumstances. | |
383.16 | Definitions; ss. 383.15-383.21. | |
383.17 | Regional perinatal intensive care centers program; authority. | |
383.18 | Contracts; conditions. | |
383.19 | Standards; funding; ineligibility. | |
391.025 | Applicability and scope. | |
394.9084 | Florida Self-Directed Care program. | |
400.471 | Application for license; fee. | |
400.960 | Definitions. | |
401.27 | Personnel; standards and certification. | |
403.061 | Department; powers and duties. | |
403.804 | Environmental Regulation Commission; powers and duties. | |
403.9338 | Training. | |
408.914 | Phased implementation plan. | |
408.915 | Eligibility pilot project. | |
408.916 | Steering committee. | |
409.1451 | The Road-to-Independence Program. | |
409.907 | Medicaid provider agreements. | |
409.9082 | Quality assessment on nursing home facility providers; exemptions; purpose; federal approval required; remedies. | |
409.981 | Eligible long-term care plans. | |
411.203 | Continuum of comprehensive services. | |
420.151 | Housing Development Corporation of Florida; first meeting. | |
420.5087 | State Apartment Incentive Loan Program. | |
420.622 | State Office on Homelessness; Council on Homelessness. | |
429.14 | Administrative penalties. | |
430.207 | Confidentiality of information. | |
443.091 | Benefit eligibility conditions. | |
443.1216 | Employment. | |
443.131 | Contributions. | |
443.141 | Collection of contributions and reimbursements. | |
445.007 | Regional workforce boards. | |
455.2274 | Criminal proceedings against licensees; appearances by department representatives. | |
456.001 | Definitions. | |
456.056 | Treatment of Medicare beneficiaries; refusal, emergencies, consulting physicians. | |
458.3115 | Restricted license; certain foreign-licensed physicians; examination; restrictions on practice; full licensure. | |
464.0196 | Florida Center for Nursing; board of directors. | |
475.617 | Education and experience requirements. | |
497.005 | Definitions. | |
499.001 | Florida Drug and Cosmetic Act; short title. | |
499.0121 | Storage and handling of prescription drugs; recordkeeping. | |
509.302 | Hospitality Education Program. | |
513.1115 | Placement of recreational vehicles on lots in permitted parks. | |
553.79 | Permits; applications; issuance; inspections. | |
553.80 | Enforcement. | |
562.45 | Penalties for violating Beverage Law; local ordinances; prohibiting regulation of certain activities or business transactions; requiring nondiscriminatory treatment; providing exceptions. | |
565.03 | License fees; manufacturers, distributors, brokers, sales agents, and importers of alcoholic beverages; vendor licenses and fees; craft distilleries. | |
570.964 | Posting and notification. | |
590.02 | Florida Forest Service; powers, authority, and duties; liability; building structures; Florida Center for Wildfire and Forest Resources Management Training. | |
605.0109 | Powers. | |
605.04092 | Conflict of interest transactions. | |
605.0711 | Known claims against dissolved limited liability company. | |
605.0714 | Administrative dissolution. | |
605.0904 | Effect of failure to have certificate of authority. | |
605.0905 | Activities not constituting transacting business. | |
605.0907 | Amendment to certificate of authority. | |
605.0912 | Withdrawal on dissolution, merger, or conversion to nonfiling entity. | |
605.1006 | Appraisal rights. | |
605.1033 | Approval of interest exchange. | |
605.1041 | Conversion authorized. | |
605.1103 | Tax exemption on income of certain limited liability companies. | |
610.108 | Customer service standards. | |
610.119 | Reports to the Legislature. | |
617.0601 | Members, generally. | |
620.8503 | Transfer of partner’s transferable interest. | |
624.91 | The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act. | |
627.351 | Insurance risk apportionment plans. | |
627.3518 | Citizens Property Insurance Corporation policyholder eligibility clearinghouse program. | |
627.642 | Outline of coverage. | |
627.6515 | Out-of-state groups. | |
627.6562 | Dependent coverage. | |
627.657 | Provisions of group health insurance policies. | |
627.6686 | Coverage for individuals with autism spectrum disorder required; exception. | |
633.102 | Definitions. | |
633.216 | Inspection of buildings and equipment; orders; firesafety inspection training requirements; certification; disciplinary action. | |
633.316 | Fire suppression system contractors; disciplinary action. | |
633.408 | Firefighter and volunteer firefighter training and certification. | |
634.283 | Power of department and office to examine and investigate. | |
641.31098 | Coverage for individuals with developmental disabilities. | |
658.27 | Control of bank or trust company; definitions and related provisions. | |
658.995 | Credit Card Bank Act. | |
713.78 | Liens for recovering, towing, or storing vehicles and vessels. | |
718.301 | Transfer of association control; claims of defect by association. | |
871.015 | Unlawful protests. | |
893.055 | Prescription drug monitoring program. | |
893.1495 | Retail sale of ephedrine and related compounds. | |
943.0585 | Court-ordered expunction of criminal history records. | |
943.059 | Court-ordered sealing of criminal history records. | |
945.091 | Extension of the limits of confinement; restitution by employed inmates. | |
951.23 | County and municipal detention facilities; definitions; administration; standards and requirements. | |
1002.20 | K-12 student and parent rights. | |
1002.34 | Charter technical career centers. | |
1002.41 | Home education programs. | |
1002.45 | Virtual instruction programs. | |
1002.83 | Early learning coalitions. | |
1002.84 | Early learning coalitions; school readiness powers and duties. | |
1002.89 | School readiness program; funding. | |
1003.49 | Graduation and promotion requirements for publicly operated schools. | |
1003.52 | Educational services in Department of Juvenile Justice programs. | |
1006.15 | Student standards for participation in interscholastic and intrascholastic extracurricular student activities; regulation. | |
1006.282 | Pilot program for the transition to electronic and digital instructional materials. | |
1006.73 | Florida Virtual Campus. | |
1008.44 | Industry certifications; Industry Certification Funding List and Postsecondary Industry Certification Funding List. | |
1009.22 | Workforce education postsecondary student fees. | |
1011.61 | Definitions. | |
1011.80 | Funds for operation of workforce education programs. | |
1013.12 | Casualty, safety, sanitation, and firesafety standards and inspection of property. |
Citations - Constitution (0)
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Citations - Chapter Law (0)
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