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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1646: Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

GENERAL BILL by Agriculture ; Albritton

Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; Authorizing the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to consider the use of a fumigant as a pesticide for raw agricultural commodities; revising the membership of the Florida Food Safety and Food Defense Advisory Council; revising the authority of the department to conduct onsite inspections of facilities used to produce and process milk and milk products and to collect samples of such for testing; authorizing a contract for the sale of a horse to include a covenant for the continuing care of the horse, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2019
Last Action: 5/3/2019 Senate - Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 2502 (Ch. 2019-116)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Agriculture (AG)
  2. Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government (AEG)
  3. Appropriations (AP)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
3/1/2019 Senate • Filed
3/8/2019 Senate • Referred to Agriculture; Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; Appropriations -SJ 213
3/13/2019 Senate • Introduced -SJ 213
3/20/2019 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Agriculture, 03/25/19, 1:30 pm, 301 Senate Building
3/25/2019 Senate • CS by Agriculture; YEAS 5 NAYS 0 -SJ 283
3/27/2019 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
• Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government
4/2/2019 Senate • CS by Agriculture read 1st time -SJ 299
4/4/2019 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government, 04/09/19, 1:30 pm, 110 Senate Building
4/9/2019 Senate • Subcommittee Recommendation: Favorable by Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 343
4/10/2019 Senate • Now in Appropriations
5/3/2019 Senate • Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
• Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 2502 (Ch. 2019-116)