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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 306: Provider & Subscriber Asst/Pub. Rec.

PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Governmental Oversight and Productivity ; Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care

Provider & Subscriber Asst/Pub. Rec.; amends provision which provides that certain information identifying subscriber under Statewide Provider & Subscriber Assistance Program is exempt from public-records requirements & requirements for public meetings; deletes exemption provided for information identifying spouse, relative, or guardian of subscriber; deletes exemption that authorizes meetings to be closed if information constituting trade secret is revealed, etc. Amends 408.7056.

Effective Date: 10/01/2003
Last Action: 4/16/2003 Senate - Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00423; Substituted HB 1033 -SJ 00415; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1033 (Ch. 2003-105)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/13/2003 Senate • Prefiled
1/16/2003 Senate • Referred to Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Rules and Calendar
2/7/2003 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care, 02/18/03, 4:00 pm, 412-K
2/18/2003 Senate • Favorable by Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care; YEAS 11 NAYS 0
2/24/2003 Senate • Now in Governmental Oversight and Productivity
3/4/2003 Senate • Introduced, referred to Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Rules and Calendar -SJ 00024; On Committee agenda-- Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care, 02/18/03, 4:00 pm, 412-K; Favorable by Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -SJ 00096; Now in Governmental Oversight and Productivity -SJ 00096
3/27/2003 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Productivity, 04/01/03, 3:15 pm, 110-S
4/1/2003 Senate • CS by Governmental Oversight and Productivity; YEAS 7 NAYS 0 -SJ 00342; CS read first time on 04/03/03 -SJ 00342
4/3/2003 Senate • Now in Rules and Calendar -SJ 00342
4/8/2003 Senate • Withdrawn from Rules and Calendar -SJ 00357; Placed on Calendar, on second reading
4/16/2003 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00423; Substituted HB 1033 -SJ 00415; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1033 (Ch. 2003-105)