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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 748: OGSR/Children's Services Council or Similar Entity [SPSC]

PUBLIC RECORDS/GENERAL BILL by Governmental Oversight and Accountability ; Children, Families, and Elder Affairs

OGSR/Children's Services Council or Similar Entity [SPSC]; Amends specified provision relating to an exemption from public records requirements for personal identifying information of a child, or the parent or guardian of the child, which is held by a council on children's services, juvenile welfare board, or other similar entity, or held by a service provider or researcher under contract with such entity. Saves the exemption from repeal under the OGSR Act, etc.

Effective Date: 10/01/2009
Last Action: 4/28/2009 Senate - Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted HB 7021 -SJ 00703; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7021 (Ch. 2009-151) -SJ 00703
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/15/2009 Senate SPB 7004 submitted as a committee bill (SB 748) by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Filed
1/23/2009 Senate • Referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Rules
2/9/2009 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, 02/18/09, 9:30 am, 401-S
2/18/2009 Senate • Favorable by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; YEAS 6 NAYS 0; Now in Governmental Oversight and Accountability
3/3/2009 Senate • Introduced, referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Rules -SJ 00047; On Committee agenda-- Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, 02/18/09, 9:30 am, 401-S; Favorable by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 -SJ 00117; Now in Governmental Oversight and Accountability -SJ 00117
3/23/2009 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Accountability, 03/26/09, 8:30 am, 110-S
3/26/2009 Senate • CS by Governmental Oversight and Accountability; YEAS 5 NAYS 0 -SJ 00252; CS read 1st time on 04/01/09 -SJ 00255; Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
3/31/2009 Senate • Now in Rules -SJ 00252
4/23/2009 Senate • Withdrawn from Rules -SJ 00471; Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
4/28/2009 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Substituted HB 7021 -SJ 00703; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7021 (Ch. 2009-151) -SJ 00703