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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/CS/HB 1145 — State-Owned or State-Leased Space

by State Affairs Committee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Government Operations Subcommittee; and Rep. LaRosa (CS/CS/SB 1074 by Appropriations Committee; Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee; and Senator Hays)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee (GO)

The bill addresses various inventory, sales, lease, and reporting requirements applicable to state-owned and state-leased property. The bill:

  • Revises reporting requirements applicable to the annual inventory of state-owned facilities.
  • Requires the Division of State Lands in the Department of Environmental Protection to consider a comparable sales analysis or a broker’s opinion of value, as opposed to an appraisal, when determining the sale price of lands determined to be surplus, if such property has an estimated value of $500,000 or less.
  • Provides and revises various reporting, notice, and bidding requirements applicable to surplus property.
  • Requires a state agency, state university, or Florida College System institution, when seeking to use a building or parcel determined to be surplus, to submit a plan for the proposed use.
  • Authorizes the Department of Management Services (DMS) to direct a state agency (except Cabinet member agencies) to occupy or relocate to space in any state-owned office building within existing appropriations.
  • Requires state agencies to report on their vacant or underutilized space.
  • Requires the DMS to include the strategic leasing plan in the annual master leasing report, and directs the DMS to submit the report by October 1 of each year.
  • Requires the annual master leasing report to contain recommendations for using capital improvement funds to implement the consolidation of state agencies into state-owned office buildings.
  • Removes the authorization for an agency (except for Cabinet member agencies) to negotiate a replacement lease with the lessor if that agency determines that it is in its best interest to remain in the space it currently occupies, and gives the authority to the DMS to make the determination.
  • Authorizes the DMS to approve emergency acquisition of space without competitive bids under certain conditions.
  • Revises energy performance analysis requirements for buildings occupied by state agencies.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2013.

Vote: Senate 38-0; House 115-0