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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/CS/HB 573 — Manufactured and Mobile Homes

by Regulatory Affairs Committee; Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee; Insurance and Banking Subcommittee; and Rep. Hooper and others (CS/SB 378 by Banking and Insurance Committee and Senators Bean, Latvala, Grimsley, and Detert)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Banking and Insurance Committee (BI)

The bill imposes a $3,000 minimum insured value, instead of $6,000. Thus, Citizens is required to offer coverage for mobile and manufactured homes for a minimum insured value of at least $3,000. This minimum applies to buildings, other structures, contents, additional living expense, and liability coverage for owner occupied mobile or manufactured homes. And, it applies to contents, additional living expense, and liability coverage provided to a renter or tenant of a mobile or manufactured home. 

In addition, the bill requires Citizens to provide coverage for the following attached structures to mobile or manufactured homes: 

  • Screened enclosures that are aluminum framed or screened enclosures that are not covered by the same or substantially the same materials as that of the primary dwelling.
  • Carports that are aluminum or carports not covered by the same or substantially the same materials as that of the primary dwelling.
  • Patios that have a roof covering constructed of materials that are not the same or substantially the same materials as that of the primary dwelling. 

The bill amends s. 723.06115, F.S., to specify the manner in which funds from the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund are to be disbursed to the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation. 

Specifically, the bill provides that the Department shall disburse funds from the Trust Fund to the Corporation using the following procedures: 

  • At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Corporation shall determine its operating costs and provide that amount to the Department, in writing. One-fourth of the operating budget shall be transferred to the Corporation each quarter. The Department shall make the first one-fourth quarter transfer on the first business day of the fiscal year and make the remaining one-fourth transfers before the second business day of the second, third, and fourth quarters.
  • Throughout the year, additional requests for necessary operating funds may be submitted to the Department, in writing, indicating the changes to the operating budget and the conditions that were unforeseen at the time the Corporation developed the operating budget at the beginning of the fiscal year.
  • As it deems necessary, the Corporation shall advise the Department, in writing, of the amount needed to make payments to mobile home owners under the relocation program. The Department must distribute the amount within 5 business days of the Corporation’s written request. Funds transferred from the Department to the Corporation shall be transferred electronically and maintained by the Corporation in a qualified public depository as defined in s. 280.02, F. S. 

Finally, the bill specifies that other than the requirements set forth in the section, neither the Corporation nor the Department is required to take any other action as a prerequisite to accomplishing the provisions of this section. This effectively nullifies any additional disbursement “prerequisites” listed in the current Memorandum of Understanding between the Department and the Corporation.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect upon becoming law.

Vote: Senate 38-0; House 117-1