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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 166 — Annuities

by Judiciary Committee; Banking and Insurance Committee; and Senator Richter

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Banking and Insurance Committee (BI)

The bill substantially revises Florida consumer protection laws relating to sales of annuities by incorporating the 2010 National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) model regulation on annuity protections. The bill expands the scope of the consumer protection laws to generally include all consumers purchasing annuities. Current law only applies the protections to consumers aged 65 and older. The bill also retains current law limiting the surrender charges and deferred sales charges that may be imposed upon senior consumers. 

The following are primary consumer protections contained in the bill: 

Suitability of Annuities – The bill requires an insurer or insurance agent recommending the purchase or exchange of an annuity that results in an insurance transaction to have reasonable grounds for believing the recommendation is suitable for the consumer, based on the consumer’s suitability information. The bill imposes additional duties on insurers and insurance agents when a transaction involves the exchange or replacement of an annuity. 

Documentation of Sales Transaction – The bill requires agents and agent representatives to record recommendations made to a consumer. 

Prohibitions on Agents – The bill prohibits agents from dissuading or attempting to dissuade a consumer from truthfully responding to the insurer’s request for suitability information, filing a complaint, or cooperating with the investigation of a complaint. 

Unconditional Refund Period – The bill expands to 21 from 14 days the unconditional refund period for all purchasers of fixed and variable annuities. 

Limit on Surrender Charges – The bill retains the prohibition against surrender charges or deferred sales charges in annuity contracts issued to a senior consumer exceeding 10 percent of the amount withdrawn. The charge must be reduced so that no surrender or deferred sales charge exists after the end of the 10th policy year or 10 years after the premium is paid, whichever is later. 

Penalties – Authorizes the imposition of corrective action, appropriate penalties, and sanctions on insurers, agents, managing general agencies, or insurance agencies that violate the requirements of s. 627.4554, F.S. An insurance agent must pay restitution to a consumer whose money the agent misappropriates, converts, or unlawfully withholds.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect October 1, 2013.

Vote: Senate 40-0; House 116-0