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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 1361 — Growth Management

by Economic Affairs Committee; Local Government Affairs Subcommittee; and Rep. La Rosa (CS/CS/SB 1190 by Rules Committee; Community Affairs Committee; and Senator Diaz de la Portilla)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Community Affairs Committee (CA)

The bill makes several changes to the state’s growth management programs. Specifically, the bill:

  • Adds that a county governing board may hold joint public meetings with the governing body or bodies of one or more adjacent municipalities or counties to discuss matters regarding land development or other multi-jurisdictional issues at any appropriate public place within the jurisdiction of any participating municipality or county;
  • Provides that an ex officio, nonvoting representative of a military installation is not required to file an annual statement of financial interests (CE Form 1) due solely to service on a local land planning or zoning board;
  • Establishes a timeframe for issuing a final order if the state land planning agency fails to take action;
  • Amends the minimum acreage for application of a sector plan from 15,000 to 5,000 acres;
  • Changes the acreage for annexation of enclaves under certain circumstances from 10 to 110 acres;
  • Replaces the Administration Commission with the state land planning agency as the reviewing entity for modifications and proposed changes dealing with plans and regulations for the Apalachicola Bay Area of Critical State Concern;
  • Authorizes a developer, the Department of Economic Opportunity, and a local government to amend a development of regional impact (DRI) agreement when a project has been determined to be essentially built out;
  • Authorizes a local government to approve the exchange of one approved DRI land use for another so long as there is no increase in impacts to public facilities;
  • Specifies that persons do not lose the right to complete DRIs upon certain changes to those developments;
  • Clarifies that certain proposed developments which are currently consistent with the local government comprehensive plan are not required to be reviewed pursuant to the State Coordinated Review Process for comprehensive plan amendments;
  • Revises conditions under which the DRI aggregation requirements do not apply; and
  • Establishes procedures relating to rights, duties, and obligations related to certain development orders or agreements if a development elects to rescind a development order.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2016.

Vote: Senate 34-2; House 113-0