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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 441 — E911 Systems

by Commerce Committee; Energy and Utilities Subcommittee; and Reps. DuBose, Toledo, and others (CS/CS/SB 536 by Appropriations Committee; Innovation, Industry, and Technology Committee; and Senators Brandes, Perry, and Book)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Innovation, Industry, and Technology Committee (IT)

The bill contains three requirements relating to 911 services and provides legislative findings that each serves an important state interest in protecting the public safety.

First, the bill requires each county to develop a countywide plan to implement text-to-911 services and to implement the plan by January 1, 2022.

Second, the bill requires the Technology Program within the Department of Management Services to develop a plan by February 1, 2020, to upgrade 911 public safety answering points (PSAP) within the state to allow the transfer of an emergency call from one local, multijurisdictional, or regional E911 system to another local, multijurisdictional, or regional E911 system in the state. The bill specifies that this transfer capability should include voice, text message, image, video, caller identification information, location information, and additional standards-based 911 call information. It also provides duties in developing the plan.

Third, the bill requires the development and implementation of communications systems that allow direct radio communication between each PSAP and first responders.

Each sheriff must facilitate the development and execution of written interlocal agreements between all primary first responder agencies within the county. Each agreement must establish written protocols that outline circumstances and public safety emergencies under which a PSAP will directly provide notice by radio of an emergency to the on-duty personnel of a first responder agency for which the PSAP does not provide primary dispatch functions. Each agreement must require the PSAP to have direct radio contact with primary first responder agencies and their dispatchers, for whom the PSAP can reasonably receive 911 communications, without having to transfer a 911 communication to another PSAP or dispatch center for dispatch. The method of complying is to be established by the first responder agency heads and set forth in the interlocal agreement.

Each PSAP must be capable of immediately broadcasting 911 communications or public safety information over the primary radio dispatch channels of each first responder agency in the county it serves, except in those first responders service areas where the PSAP cannot reasonably receive 911 calls. If a county or jurisdiction has multiple PSAPs, each PSAP must have this capability.

Unless technologically precluded due to radio incompatibility, upon written request from a law enforcement agency head, a law enforcement agency head in the same county or in an adjacent jurisdiction in another county must authorize the requesting agency to install the responding agency's primary dispatch channel or channels in the requesting agency's PSAP, dispatch center, or mobile or portable radios.

Each primary first responder agency, PSAP, and dispatch center within each county is required to train all applicable personnel regarding the procedures and protocols specified in the interlocal agreements. The training must also include radio functionality and how to readily access the necessary dispatch channels in accordance with the interlocal agreements.

By January 1, 2020, each sheriff must provide to the Department of Law Enforcement: a copy of each interlocal agreement and written certification that all PSAPs in his or her county are in compliance.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2019.

Vote: Senate 40-0; House 110-0