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The Florida Senate

SB 1258: Procurement/Preference to Florida Businesses


Procurement/Preference to Florida Businesses; Requires an agency, county, municipality, school district, or other political subdivision of the state to provide preferential consideration to a Florida business in awarding competitively bid contracts for printing under certain circumstances. Specifies the percentages of preference to be granted. Provides nonapplicability. Requires bid, proposal, and reply documents from out-of-state vendors to include agreements to hire Florida residents, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2011
Last Action: 5/7/2011 Senate - Died in Commerce and Tourism
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Commerce and Tourism (CM)
  2. Community Affairs (CA)
  3. Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO)
  4. Budget (BC)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/21/2011 Senate • Filed
3/7/2011 Senate • Referred to Commerce and Tourism; Community Affairs; Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Budget -SJ 93
3/8/2011 Senate • Introduced -SJ 93
5/7/2011 Senate • Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
• Died in Commerce and Tourism