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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 654: Student Fees

GENERAL BILL by Higher Education ; Oelrich

Student Fees; Authorizes the Board of Trustees of Santa Fe College to establish a transportation access fee for students enrolled at Sante Fe College, including students enrolled in workforce education programs. Requires that revenue from the fee be used only to provide or improve access to transportation services. Requires that a referendum be held by the student government to approve the application of the fee. Prohibits the inclusion of the fee in calculating the amount a student receives under the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program awards, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2011
Last Action: 5/7/2011 Senate - Died in Budget, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 2150 (Ch. 2011-63)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Higher Education (HE)
  2. Transportation (TR)
  3. Budget Subcommittee on Higher Education Appropriations (BHI)
  4. Budget (BC)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/27/2011 Senate • Filed
2/3/2011 Senate • Referred to Transportation; Higher Education; Budget -SJ 54
• References corrected to Higher Education; Transportation; Budget
• Now in Higher Education
• On Committee agenda-- Higher Education, 02/08/11, 10:00 am, 301 Senate Office Building
2/8/2011 Senate • CS by Higher Education; YEAS 4 NAYS 0 -SJ 118
2/10/2011 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
2/17/2011 Senate • Now in Transportation -SJ 118
2/21/2011 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Transportation, 02/22/11, 1:00 pm, 37 Senate Office Building
2/22/2011 Senate • Favorable by Transportation; YEAS 5 NAYS 1 -SJ 117
2/23/2011 Senate • Now in Budget -SJ 117
3/8/2011 Senate • Introduced -SJ 54
• Subreferred to Budget Subcommittee on Higher Education Appropriations -SJ 109
• Now in Budget Subcommittee on Higher Education Appropriations
• On Committee agenda-- Budget Subcommittee on Higher Education Appropriations, 03/11/11, 10:15 am, 412 Knott Building
• CS by Higher Education read 1st time -SJ 114
3/11/2011 Senate • Favorable by Budget Subcommittee on Higher Education Appropriations; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -SJ 204
• Now in Budget -SJ 204
5/7/2011 Senate • Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
• Died in Budget, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 2150 (Ch. 2011-63)