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The Florida Senate

SPB 7174: Assisted Living Facilities

PROPOSED BILL by Health Regulation

Assisted Living Facilities; Revising the duties of the case manager for, and the community living support plan of, a mental health resident of an assisted living facility; increasing the biennial license fee required for a facility that has certain violations within the 2 years preceding license renewal; requiring that a mental health professional be part of the team inspecting a facility that holds a limited mental health license; requiring the revocation of a facility license for certain violations that result in the death of a resident; revising training and continuing education requirements for facility staff other than administrators; providing training requirements for certain staff of facilities that hold an extended congregate care, limited nursing, and limited mental health license, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2012
Last Action: 1/26/2012 Senate - Submit as committee bill by Health Regulation (SB 2074)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/13/2012 Senate • Submitted for consideration by Health Regulation
• On Committee agenda-- Health Regulation, 01/19/12, 10:15 am, 412 Knott Building --Submitted as Committee Bill
1/26/2012 Senate • Submit as committee bill by Health Regulation (SB 2074)