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The Florida Senate

HB 395: Abortion

GENERAL BILL by Van Zant ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Ahern ; Baxley ; Broxson ; Cummings ; Diaz, M. ; Gaetz ; Grant ; Ingram ; La Rosa ; Mayfield ; Patronis ; Perry ; Pigman ; Raburn ; Rodrigues, R. ; Stone

Abortion; Creates "Florida for Life Act"; provides legislative findings; prohibits induced abortions; prohibits operation of facility for purpose of providing abortion services; prohibits termination of pregnancy unless specified conditions are met; requires informed consent; provides exception; provides standard of care if fetus is viable; requires that fetal remains be disposed of according to specified standards; excludes specified procedures from application of requirements; repeals provisions relating to termination of pregnancies & abortion referral or counseling agencies; repeals Partial-Birth Abortion Act; requires statewide list of attorneys providing volunteer legal services for women with unwanted pregnancies who would have selected abortion, if lawful, rather than adoption; provides that all federal moneys received by state as result of efforts made by Office of Adoption & Child Protection be used for specified purposes; provides restrictions on use of state & federal funds for state exchanges that provide coverage for induced abortions & termination of pregnancies under certain conditions; provides certain provisions only take effect if other provisions are declared unconstitutional or had enforcement enjoined; provides that certain repeals & amendments in act may be void in other such circumstances.

Effective Date: 7/1/2013
Last Action: 5/3/2013 House - Died in Judiciary Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 1129 (Ch. 2013-121)
Bill Text: PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/22/2013 House • Filed
1/30/2013 House • Referred to Judiciary Committee; Justice Appropriations Subcommittee; Health and Human Services Committee -HJ 51
3/5/2013 House • Introduced -HJ 50
5/3/2013 House • Died in Judiciary Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 1129 (Ch. 2013-121)