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The Florida Senate

HB 1211: Affordable Housing Tax Reduction

GENERAL BILL by Fernandez

Affordable Housing Tax Reduction; Provides tax reduction to certain entities that provide affordable housing to identified groups; provides criteria for receiving such reduction; provides formula for determining amount of reduction; requires taxpayer to submit covenant for recording that provides specified information; requires each taxpayer who receives tax reduction to file annual report; provides specifications for such report; provides penalties for falsification of reports; requires certain counties to post specified maps on their websites; requires FHFC to adopt specified rules; requires taxpayer to pay back taxes, penalties, & interest; provides exceptions.

Effective Date: 7/1/2019
Last Action: 5/3/2019 House - Died in Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee
Bill Text: PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
3/1/2019 House • Filed
3/5/2019 House • Introduced -HJ 123
3/8/2019 House • Referred to Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; Ways and Means Committee; State Affairs Committee -HJ 377
5/3/2019 House • Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
• Died in Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee