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The Florida Senate

HB 7041: Florida Statutes

REVISER'S/GENERAL BILL by Rules Committee ; Clemons

Florida Statutes; Conforms statutes to directive of Leg. s. 13, ch. 2021-269, LOF, to replace references to Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering & references to DBPR relating to gaming with references to Florida Gaming Control Commission to conform statutes to transfer of duties in s. 11, ch. 2021-269.

Effective Date: 7/1/2022
Last Action: 2/9/2022 House - Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 854 (Ch. 2022-7)
Bill Text: PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    1/27/2022 House • Filed
    1/28/2022 House • 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
    1/31/2022 House • Bill referred to House Calendar
    • Added to Second Reading Calendar
    2/3/2022 House • Bill added to Special Order Calendar (2/9/2022)
    2/9/2022 House • Substituted SB 854
    • Laid on Table; companion bill(s) passed, see SB 854 (Ch. 2022-7)

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  • HB 7041, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 1/27/2022 at 5:21 PM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   Rules Committee (Post-Meeting) 3/28/2022 (pdf)

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    S 854 (er) Florida Statutes Passidomo Identical Last Action: 2/25/2022 Chapter No. 2022-7

    Citations - Statutes (65)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    16.71 Florida Gaming Control Commission; creation; meetings; membership.
    16.712 Florida Gaming Control Commission authorizations, duties, and responsibilities.
    16.713 Florida Gaming Control Commission; appointment and employment restrictions.
    16.715 Florida Gaming Control Commission standards of conduct; ex parte communications.
    20.165 Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    550.002 Definitions.
    550.0115 Permitholder operating license.
    550.01215 License application; periods of operation; license fees; bond.
    550.0235 Limitation of civil liability.
    550.0251 The powers and duties of the Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    550.0351 Charity racing days.
    550.054 Application for permit to conduct pari-mutuel wagering.
    550.0555 Greyhound dogracing permits; relocation within a county; conditions.
    550.0651 Elections for ratification of permits; municipal prohibitions.
    550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes; penalties.
    550.09511 Jai alai taxes; abandoned interest in a permit for nonpayment of taxes.
    550.09512 Harness horse taxes; abandoned interest in a permit for nonpayment of taxes.
    550.09514 Greyhound dogracing taxes; purse requirements.
    550.09515 Thoroughbred horse taxes; abandoned interest in a permit for nonpayment of taxes.
    550.105 Occupational licenses of racetrack employees; fees; denial, suspension, and revocation of license; penalties and fines.
    550.1155 Authority of stewards, judges, panel of judges, or player’s manager to impose penalties against occupational licensees; disposition of funds collected.
    550.125 Uniform reporting system; bond requirement.
    550.155 Pari-mutuel pool within track enclosure; takeouts; breaks; penalty for purchasing part of a pari-mutuel pool for or through another in specified circumstances.
    550.175 Petition for election to revoke permit.
    550.1815 Certain persons prohibited from holding racing or jai alai permits; suspension and revocation.
    550.24055 Use of controlled substances or alcohol prohibited; testing of certain occupational licensees; penalty; evidence of test or action taken and admissibility for criminal prosecution limited.
    550.2415 Racing of animals under certain conditions prohibited; penalties; exceptions.
    550.2614 Distribution of certain funds to a horsemen’s association.
    550.26165 Breeders’ awards.
    550.2625 Horseracing; minimum purse requirement, Florida breeders’ and owners’ awards.
    550.26352 Breeders’ Cup Meet; pools authorized; conflicts; taxes; credits; transmission of races; rules; application.
    550.2704 Jai Alai Tournament of Champions Meet.
    550.334 Quarter horse racing; substitutions.
    550.3345 Conversion of quarter horse permit to a limited thoroughbred permit.
    550.3355 Harness track licenses for summer quarter horse racing.
    550.3551 Transmission of racing and jai alai information; commingling of pari-mutuel pools.
    550.3615 Bookmaking on the grounds of a permitholder; penalties; reinstatement; duties of track employees; penalty; exceptions.
    550.375 Operation of certain harness tracks.
    550.495 Totalisator licensing.
    550.505 Nonwagering permits.
    550.5251 Florida thoroughbred racing; certain permits; operating days.
    550.625 Intertrack wagering; purses; breeders’ awards.
    550.6305 Intertrack wagering; guest track payments; accounting rules.
    550.6308 Limited intertrack wagering license.
    550.70 Jai alai general provisions; chief court judges required; extension of time to construct fronton; amateur jai alai contests permitted under certain conditions; playing days’ limitations; locking of pari-mutuel machines.
    550.902 Purposes.
    551.102 Definitions.
    551.103 Powers and duties of the division and law enforcement.
    551.104 License to conduct slot machine gaming.
    551.1045 Temporary licenses.
    551.105 Slot machine license renewal.
    551.106 License fee; tax rate; penalties.
    551.107 Slot machine occupational license; findings; application; fee.
    551.108 Prohibited relationships.
    551.109 Prohibited acts; penalties.
    551.112 Exclusions of certain persons.
    551.114 Slot machine gaming areas.
    551.117 Penalties.
    551.118 Compulsive or addictive gambling prevention program.
    551.121 Prohibited activities and devices; exceptions.
    551.122 Rulemaking.
    551.123 Legislative authority; administration of chapter.
    565.02 License fees; vendors; clubs; caterers; and others.
    817.37 Touting; defining; providing punishment; ejection from racetracks.
    849.086 Cardrooms authorized.

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