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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 95 — State Parks

by Appropriations Committee; State Affairs Committee; and Reps. Bembry, Brandes, and others (CS/CS/SB 236 by Budget Subcommittee on General Government Appropriations; Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee; and Senators Hays, Detert, Jones, Altman, Oelrich, and Gaetz)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Military Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security Committee (MS)

Lifetime Family Annual Entrance Passes to State Parks

The bill expands the eligibility for certain persons to receive a lifetime family annual entrance pass to Florida state parks at no charge. Current law allows for the surviving spouse of a deceased member of the United States Armed Forces, National Guard, or any of their reserve components who has fallen in combat to obtain a lifetime family annual entrance pass to Florida state parks at no charge. The bill extends this benefit to include:

  • Parents of a deceased member of the United States Armed Forces, National Guard, or any of their reserve components who has fallen in combat; and
  • Surviving spouse and parents of a law enforcement officer or a firefighter who has died in the line of duty. 

State Park Surcharge Fees

The bill amends s. 380.0685, F.S., to expand the use of surcharge fees collected at state parks in areas of critical concern to allow municipalities the option of using the funds for beach renourishment and restoration activities. The bill prohibits the use of such fees for the purpose of providing state matching funds. 

Livestock Owner Liability

The bill exempts the state from the livestock owner liability provisions of s. 588.15, F.S., with respect to free-roaming animal populations within the state park system. This provision in the bill was incorporated to address the American bison presence at the Payne’s Prairie Preserve State Park in Alachua County, in which the Department of Environmental Protection has classified as livestock rather than wildlife. 

D.D. “Jack” Mashburn and the Grand Lagoon at St. Andrews State Park

The bill designates the marina commonly known as the “boat basin” on Grand Lagoon at St. Andrews State Park in Bay County as the “Jack Mashburn Marina.” It also directs the Department of Environmental Protection to erect suitable markers for the designation.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2011.
Vote:  Senate 39-0; House 114-0