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The Florida Senate

HB 501 — Choose Life License Plates

by Rep. Baxley (CS/CS/SB 196 by Budget Committee; Community Affairs Committee; and Senator Fasano)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Transportation Committee (TR)

This bill amends s. 320.08058, F.S., to provide the following proposed changes:

  • Directs the distribution of funds from the sale of “Choose Life” license plates to Choose Life, Inc.
  • Choose Life, Inc., will distribute funds to participating nongovernmental, not-for-profit agencies within the State of Florida that assist pregnant women who are making an adoption plan for their children. Funds will be distributed based on an annual Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle (DHSMV) sales per county report.
  • Removes the minimum amount of funds used by agencies to provide materials to pregnant women making an adoption plan, and it extends the use of funds to birth mothers for 60 days after delivery.
  • Provides Choose Life, Inc., may use a maximum of 15 percent of funds collected annually for administration and promotion of “Choose Life” specialty license plates. Funds remaining unused by agencies must be returned to Choose Life, Inc., if such funds exceed 10 percent of funds collected annually.
  • If no qualified agency applies to receive funds in a county in any year, that county’s Choose Life funds shall be distributed pro-rata to any qualified agencies that apply provided such agencies maintain a place of business within a one hundred mile radius of the county seat of such county. If no qualified agencies apply, the funds shall be held by Choose Life, Inc., until a qualified agency applies for the funds.
  • By October 1, 2011, all funds collected by DHSMV from the sale of “Choose Life” license plates shall be transferred to Choose Life, Inc. This change will allow the department to distribute the $557,451.63in funds held due to lack of participating counties.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2011.
Vote:  Senate 28-10; House 83-33