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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 650 — Mobile Home Park Lot Tenancies

by Regulated Industries Committee and Senators Jones and Latvala

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Regulated Industries Committee (RI)

The bill provides that local governments must cite the responsible party for violations of local codes or ordinances in mobile home parks. It would also prohibit local governments from assessing a lien, penalty, or fine, or initiating an administrative or civil proceeding against the mobile home owner or park owner who does not have any duty or responsibility for the alleged violation. 

The bill provides mobile home park homeowners’ associations a right of first refusal to purchase a mobile home park when a mobile home park is subject to a change in land use. The bill also establishes notice procedures. The bill gives the homeowners’ association the right to execute and deliver a contract for purchase of the park to the park owner within 45 days after the park owners mails a written notice that sets forth the price and terms and conditions for the sale of the mobile home park. The contract offer by the homeowners’ association must be for the same price and terms and conditions set forth in the notice. If the park owner decides to offer the park at a lower price, the homeowner’s association has 10 days to execute and deliver a contract meeting the new terms. The park owner is not obligated to provide any further notice to, or to negotiate with, the homeowners’ association for the sale of the mobile home park after six months from the date of mailing the initial notice that set forth the price and terms and conditions for the sale of the mobile home park. 

The bill clarifies that the provisions of s. 723.083, F.S., which requires local governments to consider the adequacy of parks for relocation, apply when a mobile home park owner gives notice of eviction based on a change in land use under s. 723.061, F.S.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect upon becoming law.
Vote:  Senate 39-0; House 114-1