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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 935 — Health Care Price Transparency

by Health and Human Services Committee; Health and Human Services Access Subcommittee; and Reps. Corcoran and others (CS/SB 1410 by Health Regulation Committee and Senator Negron)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Health Regulation Committee (HR)

The bill addresses posting, in the reception area of certain medical offices, urgent care centers, and clinics, a schedule of prices charged for the 50 most common services provided to an uninsured person paying by cash, check, credit card or debit card. The bill specifies the size of the posting and parameters for its contents. 

Primary care providers are encouraged to publish, in the reception area of his or her medical office, the schedule of charges. A primary care provider who publishes and maintains the schedule of charges is exempt from the professional license fee requirements for a single renewal period and continuing education requirements for a single 2-year period. For purposes of this provision, a primary care provider includes a physician, osteopathic physician, a podiatrist, or a health care provider licensed under the nurse practice act, who provides medical services which are commonly provided without referral from another health care provider, including family and general practice, general pediatrics, and general internal medicine. 

Urgent care centers, clinics required to be licensed as a health care clinic under ch. 400, part X, F.S., and a clinic that seeks a certificate of exemption from licensure as a health care clinic under ch. 400, part X, F.S., are required to publish, in a conspicuous place in the reception area of the urgent care center or health care clinic, a similar schedule of charges for the medical services offered to patients. 

If an urgent care center or health care clinic that is required to be licensed fails to post the schedule of charges as required, a fine shall be imposed of not more than $1,000, per day, until the schedule is published and posted. A clinic seeking a certificate of exemption from licensure as a health care clinic must provide documentation of compliance with the posting requirement to the Agency for Health Care Administration prior to receiving the certificate of exemption.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2011.
Vote:  Senate 38-0; House 106-4