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The Florida Senate

HB 1029 — Interstate Compact for Juveniles

by Rep. Brodeur (SB 1494 by Senator Evers)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Criminal Justice Committee (CJ)

The bill reenacts the statutes relating to the Interstate Compact for Juveniles (compact) and the State Council for Interstate Juvenile Offender Supervision (council) that expired by operation of law on August 26, 2010. The compact governs interstate movement of juveniles on probation and parole as well as extradition across state lines of runaways, escapees, absconders, and juveniles charged as delinquent. The bill reenacts the compact to do the following:

  • Creates the Interstate Commission, which is an independent compact administrative agency with the authority to administer ongoing compact activity;
  • Provides rule making authority for the Interstate Commission;
  • Establishes a mechanism for all states to collect standardized information and information systems;
  • Provides for sanctions against states that do not follow compact rules and regulations;
  • Provides for gubernatorial appointments of representatives from member states to the Interstate Commission;
  • Provides a mandatory funding mechanism sufficient to support essential compact operations;
  • Provides for coordination and cooperation with other interstate compacts; and
  • Requires the creation of state councils.

The bill also reenacts the Interstate Juvenile Offender Supervision Council (council) to do the following:

  • Requires that the council consist of seven members comprised of the Secretary of the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), the compact administrator or his or her designee, the Executive Director of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) or his or her designee, and four remaining members to be appointed by the Governor, who may delegate this appointment power to the Secretary of DJJ in writing on an individual basis;
  • Provides that appointees may include one victim’s advocate, employees of the Department of Children and Family Services, employees of the FDLE who work with missing or exploited children, and a parent;
  • Applies provisions of public records/open meetings requirements to the council’s proceedings and records;
  • Supplies terms of office, record storage, property transfer, and reimbursement for travel and per diem expenses; and
  • Creates additional duties and responsibilities for the compact administrator.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect upon becoming law.
Vote:  Senate 39-0; House 118-0