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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 1127 — Abortions

by Health and Human Services Committee and Reps. Porter and others (CS/SB 1744 by Health Regulation Committee and Senators Storms and Oelrich)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Health Regulation Committee (HR)

Except in a medical emergency, this bill provides that consent to a termination of pregnancy is voluntary and informed if, among other things, a woman seeking an abortion has the gestational age of the fetus verified by an ultrasound, regardless of the woman’s stage of pregnancy. The bill prescribes who is authorized to perform the ultrasound. 

The person performing the ultrasound must offer the woman the opportunity to view the live ultrasound images and hear an explanation of them before she gives informed consent to having the abortion procedure, unless  the woman presents certain documentation evidencing that the woman is obtaining the abortion because she is a victim of rape, incest, domestic violence, or human trafficking or the delay in the abortion procedure would cause substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the woman. 

The bill provides that a woman has a right to decline to view the ultrasound images and hear an explanation of the images after she has been offered an opportunity to view and hear an explanation of the images. However, if the woman declines to view and hear an explanation of the ultrasound images, she is required to complete a form acknowledging that she was offered an opportunity to view the images and hear the explanation of the images, that she has declined that opportunity, and that her refusal to view and hear an explanation of the images was of her own free will. 

The bill provides that consent to a termination of pregnancy is voluntary and informed if, among other things, a description of the fetus, including a description of the various stages of development, has been provided to the woman. 

The bill provides that the failure of a health care practitioner to comply with the requirements under s. 390.0111, F.S., is grounds for disciplinary action and authorizes the DOH, or the appropriate board, to adopt rules necessary to implement the provisions under s. 390.0111, F.S.

The bill requires the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) to adopt rules requiring an abortion clinic that performs abortions after the first trimester of pregnancy to take a urine or blood test, regardless of whether the woman seeking an abortion will have an ultrasound performed. The AHCA must also adopt rules requiring clinics to be in compliance with the provisions of s. 390.0111, F.S. 

The bill also includes a severability clause, which severs any provision of the bill that is held invalid.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2011.
Vote:  Senate 24-15; House 81-37