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The Florida Senate

HB 4027 — Obsolete Health Care Provisions

by Rep. Horner (SB 548 by Senator Hays)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Health Regulation Committee (HR)

The bill repeals Florida Statutes relating to the designation of separate restrooms and separate dressing rooms for males and females, the Florida Healthy People 2010 program, and the MedAccess program. 

Separate Restrooms and Separate Dressing Rooms for Males and Females

In 1977 the Legislature provided that any business may designate separate restrooms and separate dressing rooms for males and females and may prohibit the use of such designated restrooms or dressing rooms by persons of the opposite gender. In buildings or facilities owned or operated by the state or any political subdivision of the state that contain more than one restroom, the restrooms for males must be separate from those for females and each restroom that has capacity for more than one occupant must be designated by appropriate signage as a restroom for males or for females. All these statutory provisions are eliminated under the bill. 

Florida Healthy People 2010

In 2004 the Legislature created the Florida Healthy People 2010 program. Under the program, the Department of Health (DOH) is directed to monitor and report Florida’s status regarding the federal Healthy People 2010 program’s goals and objectives that were being tracked and were available to the DOH on July 1, 2004. The goals and objectives of the federal program are described in Florida Statutes as being designed to measure and help improve the health of all Americans by increasing the quality and years of healthy life and eliminating health disparities among different segments of the population. In December 2010, the federal government replaced the Healthy People 2010 program with the Healthy People 2020 program, the new purpose of which is for health promotion and disease prevention. This bill repeals statutory provisions for the creation and administration of the Florida Healthy People 2010 program. 


In 1993 the Legislature created the MedAccess program, designed for the state to provide certain health care benefits to uninsured Floridians with a gross family income equal to or less than 250 percent of the federal poverty level who also meet other eligibility requirements. The state is authorized to pay health care providers under the program at the same reimbursement rates and fees as those under the Medicaid program. Despite being statutorily authorized, the MedAccess program has never been funded and therefore has never been implemented. This bill repeals statutory provisions for the creation and administration of the MedAccess program.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2011.
Vote:  Senate 39-0; House 117-0