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The Florida Senate

HB 541 — Administrative Procedures

by Rep. Brandes and others (SB 1084 by Senator Garcia)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee (GO)

This bill revises statutory provisions relating to the Florida Administrative Code and the Florida Administrative Weekly. 

Some of the changes include:

  • Changes the name of the Florida Administrative Weekly to the Florida Administrative Register. 
  • Provides that the electronic versions of the Florida Administrative Code and the Florida Administrative Register are the official versions of the state.
  • Removes requirement that the Department of State must publish a printed version of the Florida Administrative Code.
  • Allows the Department of State to contract with a publisher to provide printed publications of the Florida Administrative Code and the Florida Administrative Register.
  • Removes requirement that the Department of State provide free print copies of the Florida Administrative Register to various federal and state government entities.
  • Requires the Department of State to continually revise the Florida Administrative Register.
  • Provides that the Department of State is not responsible for reviewing agency submissions to the Florida Administrative Register for various errors.
  • Requires that adopted rules and material incorporated by reference be filed in an electronic format. 

The bill directs the Division of Statutory Revision to prepare a reviser’s bill for the 2013 Regular Session to substitute the term “Florida Administrative Register” for the term “Florida Administrative Weekly” throughout the Florida Statutes. The bill also provides that if an agency determines that a proposed action will impact small businesses, the agency must send written notice of the rule to the rules ombudsman in the Executive Office of the Governor at least 28 days before the intended action – rather than provide notice to the Department of Economic Opportunity.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect October 1, 2012.

Vote: Senate 40-0; House 118-0