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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 592 — Garnishment

by Commerce and Tourism Committee and Senator Galvano

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Judiciary Committee (JU)

The bill extends the time that a creditor has to object to a debtor’s claim of exemption from a writ of garnishment. Existing law authorizes a creditor to file an objection with the court within 3 business days after the debtor hand-delivers the exemption claim to the creditor or 8 business days if the debtor mails the exemption claim. The bill extends these periods to 8 business days after hand-delivery and 14 business days after mailing of an exemption claim. 

The bill also modifies the statutory form used for claiming an exemption from garnishment under s. 77.041(1), F.S. The form will include a requirement for certification under oath and penalty of perjury that the debtor delivered the form on the date stated and that the statements made in the claim of exemption are true to the best of the debtor’s knowledge and belief. The bill allows a debtor to deliver a form claiming an exemption from garnishment and requesting a hearing to attorneys for the creditor and garnishees. Existing law provides for the forms to be delivered only to the creditor and garnishees.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2013.

Vote: Senate 40-0; House 117-0