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The Florida Senate

CS/HM 261 — Constitutional Convention/Single-Subject Requirement for Federal Legislation

by Judiciary Committee; and Rep. Beshears and others (CS/SM 368 by Governmental Oversight and Accountability; and Senator Simpson)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Rules Committee (RC)

The memorial is an application to the United States Congress urging Congress to call an Article V Convention for the purpose of proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution which will:

  • Prohibit Congress from passing a bill that embraces more than one subject; and
  • Require the subject be clearly expressed in the bill’s title.

The memorial also states it supersedes all previous memorials and current resolutions applying to Congress for a single-subject amendment and, if passed, will revoke, withdraw, nullify, and supersede all such memorials and resolutions as though they were never passed.

If this memorial is passed by the Legislature and at least 33 other states pass a similar or identical memorial or resolution calling on Congress to call an amendments convention for the sole purpose of proposing a single subject amendment to the U.S. Constitution, then under Article V of the U.S. Constitution, Congress is obligated to call the convention.

Vote: Senate Adopted; House Adopted