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The Florida Senate

HB 5203 — Cancer Centers

by Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee and Representative Hudson

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Appropriations Committee (AP)

The bill provides that:

  • The Florida Consortium of National Cancer Institute Centers (NCI) Program is added to the list of cancer research programs that the Biomedical Research Trust Fund (BRTF) is authorized to fund.
  • Statutory language currently requiring that $5 million each be appropriated annually from the BRTF to the Moffitt Cancer Center, the Sylvester Cancer Center, and the Shands Cancer Hospital, is repealed.
  • The Florida Consortium of National Cancer Institute Centers Program is created within the Department of Health (DOH) as a competitive grant program, to provide funding to Florida-based cancer centers recognized as NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers, NCI-designated cancer centers, and cancer center working to achieve NCI-designation.
  • Under the program, the allocation for each cancer center receiving funds includes the following variables:
  • Reportable Cases (40 percent weight): The number of cancer cases in which a cancer center is involved in the diagnosis, evaluation of the extent of cancer spread at time of diagnosis, or the administration of any part of the first course of therapy;
  • Peer-Review Costs (30 percent weight): Annual direct costs for peer-reviewed cancer research projects; and
  • Biomedical Education/Training (30 percent weight): Amount of biomedical research instruction offered to students at an affiliated medical school or graduate school.
  • Any cancer center receiving funds under the program will receive a minimum of $16 million annually.
  • The DOH and participating cancer centers are required to report specific metrics relating to cancer mortality and external funding for cancer-related research to Florida’s Cancer Control and Research Advisory Council.
  • Aggregate funding for the consortium program is subject to annual legislative appropriations.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2014.

Vote: Senate 40-0; House 117-0