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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 310 — National Statuary Hall

by Fiscal Policy Committee and Senators Legg and Margolis

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee (GO)

A statue of Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith (Kirby Smith) currently represents the State of Florida in the National Statuary Hall Collection at the U.S. Capitol. This bill establishes the process by which Gen. Kirby Smith’s statue may be replaced. At its first meeting after the effective date of this bill, the ad hoc committee of the Department of State’s Great Floridians Program will select three prominent Florida citizens to be commemorated in the National Statutory Hall instead of Gen. Kirby Smith. The ad hoc committee must submit its recommendations to the Legislature by January 1, 2017. 

The bill (Chapter 2016-41, L.O.F.) directs the Florida Council on Arts and Culture (Council) to select a sculptor. The Council and the Department of State must provide estimates for the costs associated with replacing the statue of Gen. Kirby Smith. The Council is permitted to raise funds from private sources to cover the costs associated with the replacement of the statue. Any funds raised by the Council must be deposited into the Department of State’s Grants and Donations Trust Fund.

The Department of State must prepare a report which will include the name of the selected sculptor, how the sculptor was chosen, and estimates for costs associated with replacing the statue of Gen. Kirby Smith. The Department of State will submit the report to the Governor and the presiding officers of each chamber of the Legislature by January 1, 2017.

The Legislature will pass a memorial requesting Congress approve the replacement of the statue of Gen. Kirby Smith. If the Governor approves the replacement of the statue, the memorial will be submitted to the United States Joint Committee on the Library of Congress for consideration.

These provisions were approved by the Governor and took effect on March 10, 2016.

Vote: Senate 33-7; House 83-32