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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 453 — Micromobility Devices

by State Affairs Committee; Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; and Rep. Toledo (CS/SB 542 by Infrastructure and Security Committee and Senator Brandes)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Infrastructure and Security Committee (IS)

The bill establishes a regulatory framework for authorizing the operation of micromobility devices and motorized scooters. The bill:

  • Defines “micromobility device” and revises the definition of “motorized scooter.”
  • Grants certain rights and applies certain duties to the operator of a micromobility device or motorized scooter that are the same as those of a bicycle rider.
  • Specifies that a local government is not prevented from exercising its regulatory authority with respect to the operation of micromobility devices or motorized scooters on streets, highways, and sidewalks under its jurisdiction.
  • Allows operation of a micromobility device or motorized scooter without a valid driver license.
  • Excludes micromobility devices and motorized scooters from compliance with vehicle registration, licensing, and insurance requirements; equipment requirements for slow-moving vehicles; and motor vehicle provisions related to licensing and license-plate display.
  • Requires a person who offers motorized scooters or micromobility devices for hire to secure all such devices located in any area of the state where an active tropical storm or hurricane warning has been issued.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect upon becoming law.

Vote: Senate 32-1; House 115-0