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The Florida Senate

HB 7059 — OGSR/Concealed Carry License/DACS

by Oversight, Transparency and Public Management Subcommittee and Reps. Yarborough and others (SB 7044 by Criminal Justice Committee)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Criminal Justice Committee (CJ)

The bill saves the public records exemption in s. 790.0601(2), F.S., from repeal. The public records exemption for the personal identifying information of persons who apply for a concealed weapon or firearm license, or renew an existing license, through a local tax collector’s office was created in 2014. The exemption was created in conjunction with s. 790.0625, F.S., which authorizes the Division of Licensing (DOL) of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS) to enter into agreements with local tax collector’s offices to accept and submit concealed weapon or firearm license applications or renewal applications to the DOL of the DACS for processing and decisions on whether the license should be issued.

The same information is exempted from the public records law if the applicant provides it directly to the DOL of the DACS at one of the DACS regional offices.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect October 1, 2019.

Vote: Senate 39-0; House 116-0