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The Florida Senate

HB 5101 — Education Funding

by PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee and Rep. Fine

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Appropriations Committee (AP)

The bill revises the calculation methodology for determining the amount of Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) funds appropriated to the Florida Virtual School by adding the Mental Health Assistance Allocation to the calculation.

The bill specifies the number of virtual instruction options a school district must offer to its part-time and full-time students and revises the allowable expenditure of unexpended virtual instruction funds.  

For any virtual instruction contract or agreement that is entered into for the first time after June 30, 2021, the bill limits the enrollment of virtual full-time students residing outside of the school district providing the virtual instruction to no more than 50 percent of the total virtual full-time students residing inside the school district providing the virtual instruction. A school district may not enroll more virtual full-time equivalent students residing outside of the school district than the total number of reported full-time equivalent students residing inside the school district.

The bill removes the requirement that the 300 lowest performing elementary schools on the statewide reading assessment must use their portion of the Supplemental Academic Instruction Allocation of the FEFP on an extra hour of reading per day.  In addition, the bill repeals the Decline in Full-Time Equivalent Students and the Virtual Education Contribution categoricals.

The bill specifies the annual percent increase to the minimum base salary of instructional personnel on the performance salary schedule shall be no less than 150 percent of the largest adjustment made to the salary of an employee on the grandfathered salary schedule. In addition, the bill specifies that the annual percent increase to the salary adjustment of an employee on the performance salary schedule rated as highly effective must be at least 25 percent granter than the highest annual salary adjustment available to an employee of the same classification through any other salary schedule adopted by the district. 

The bill requires each school district to use a portion of its nonenrollment allocation from the federal Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to locate and evaluate the well-being of any unaccounted-for students within the school district.

The bill requires each school district to use a portion of its academic acceleration allocation from the federal ESSER funds to remediate student learning loss.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2021.

Vote: Senate 40-0; House 116-0