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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 6-A — Public Records and Public Meetings/Florida Gaming Control Commission

by Senator Hutson

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Appropriations Committee (AP)

This bill provides that information obtained by the Florida Gaming Control Commission (commission) which is exempt or confidential and exempt from the public records requirements in s. 119.07(1)(a), F.S., and Art. I, s. 24(c), State Constitution, shall retain its exempt or confidential and exempt status. The information may be released by the commission to other governmental entities as needed in the performance of its official duties and responsibilities, but such entities must maintain the exempt or confidential and exempt status of the information.

The bill provides an open meeting exemption for portions of the commission’s meetings during which exempt or confidential and exempt information is discussed. The bill provides the process for meetings that are closed to the public. Under the bill, the entire closed session must be recorded, and such recording must be maintained by the commission. Only members of the commission, Department of Legal Affairs or commission staff supporting the commission’s function, and other persons whose presence is necessary for the presentation of exempt or confidential and exempt information may be allowed to attend the exempted portions of commission meetings.

Under the bill, recording of, and any minutes and records generated during a closed portion of a commission meeting are confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1), F.S., and Art. I, s. 24(a), State Constitution, until such time as the information discussed is no longer exempt or confidential and exempt, depending on the specific statutory exemption.

This open meetings exemption is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act and will repeal on October 2, 2026, unless reviewed and saved from repeal by the Legislature.

The bill provides a statement of public necessity as required by the State Constitution.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect on the same day that CS/SB 4-A (Gaming Enforcement) or similar legislation takes effect, if adopted in the same legislative session and becomes a law.

Vote: Senate 38-1; House 114-2