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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 520 — Public Records and Public Meetings

by Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee and Senators Brandes and Rodrigues

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Education Committee (ED)

The bill (Chapter 2022-15, L.O.F.) makes confidential and exempt from public disclosure requirements any personal identifying information of an applicant for the position of president of a state university or Florida College System (FCS) institution held by a state university or an FCS institution.

The bill provides that the personal identifying information of an applicant included in a final group of applicants for president is no longer confidential and exempt from public records requirements beginning at the earlier of the date the final group of applicants to be considered for president is established or at least 21 days before either an interview of an applicant or final action on the offer of employment.

The bill also exempts from open meeting requirements any portion of a meeting held for the purpose of identifying or vetting applicants for president of a state university or FCS institution, including any portion of a meeting that would disclose personal identifying information of such applicants. However, the meeting exemption does not apply to any portion of a meeting held for the purpose of establishing qualifications for the position or establishing any compensation framework to be offered to an applicant. Additionally, any meeting held after a final group of applicants has been established must be open to the public.

The bill requires a complete recording to be made of any portion of a closed meeting, and prohibits any closed portion of a meeting from being held off the record. The recording of the closed portion of a meeting is also exempt from the public disclosure requirements.

The exemptions established in the bill expire on October 2, 2027, unless saved from repeal by the Legislature.

These provisions became law upon approval by the Governor on March 15, 2022.

Vote: Senate 28-11; House 86-26