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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1048 — Student Assessments

by Appropriations Committee and Senators Diaz and Rodrigues

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Education Committee (ED)

The bill (Chapter 2022-16, L.O.F.) substantially changes Florida’s statewide standardized assessment program to include a statewide coordinated screening and progress monitoring (CSPM) tool to replace the Florida Standards Assessment.

Statewide Standardized Assessment Program

The bill modifies the statewide standardized assessment program to include a CSPM system, but maintains the statewide standardized science assessment and the end-of-course (EOC) assessments in Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology I, United States History, and Civics.

The bill specifies the implementation of English Language Arts (ELA) grades 3-10 and mathematics grades 3-8 assessment and progress monitoring, beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, which must include:

  • A screening and progress monitoring assessment administered at the beginning and middle of the school year, which must:
    • Measure student progress in meeting ELA and mathematics standards.
    • Be a computer-based assessment that can identify students who have a substantial deficiency in reading, including identifying students with characteristics of dyslexia, and in mathematics.
    • Provide results to teachers within 1 week and parents within 2 weeks.
  • An end-of-year assessment administered in the spring, the results of which will replace the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) to be used for accountability purposes in grade three retention, high school graduation, school grades, and school improvement ratings.

In addition, the bill deletes the requirement that the standardized statewide assessment system offer a paper-based administration, and requires that, beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, the CSPM be computer-adaptive.

The bill requires the SBE to adopt a new assessment schedule for the CSPM that incorporates the beginning and middle of the year administrations, and the comprehensive end-of-year assessment. The bill requires that, beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, assessment results for the end-of-year assessments in ELA and mathematics be made available no later than May 31.

School District Requirements

The bill requires school districts to provide results from district-required local assessments to parents and teachers within one week of the administrations. When reporting the results from the CSPM, the bill requires the results to be easy to comprehend, and must include resources to help parents understand the CSPM system. Further, the bill requires school districts to provide results of the CSPM system in a web-based option for parents and students to securely access student assessment data and review their student’s individual student reports. A printed report must also be available upon request.

Assessment Study

The bill requires the commissioner, by January 31, 2025, to make recommendations related to the CSPM system in the following areas, based on a third-party review:

  • The validity of using progress monitoring assessments 1 or 2, or both, in place of using the comprehensive end-of-year progress monitoring assessment for accountability purposes.
  • Options to reduce the assessment footprint while maintaining valid and reliable data, including the use of computer-adaptive assessments.
  • The feasibility of remote administration of assessments.
  • Accelerating student progression based on CSPM results.
  • Incorporation of state-adopted ELA instructional materials into the CSPM system.
  • The impact of the CSPM system on student learning growth data for the purposes of personnel evaluations.


The bill provides for a 1-year transition period, during which the calculation of school grades and school improvement ratings for the 2022-2023 school year are based on the new statewide, standardized assessments. The 2022-2023 school grades will serve as an informational baseline for schools to work toward improved performance in future years.

The bill provides hold-harmless provisions relating to school grades or school improvement ratings during the transition. A school will not be required to enter turnaround based on its 2022-2023 school grades, but may exit turnaround with a grade of “C” or higher in that year. A school or provider is not subject to penalties and may not lose a high-performing designation based on 2022-2023 school grades. Additionally, school improvement ratings will not be calculated for the 2022-2023 school year.

Finally, the bill replaces references to “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards” with “state academic standards.”

These provisions were approved by the Governor and take effect on July 1, 2022, except as otherwise provided.

Vote: Senate 38-0; House 83-31