Senate Committee Publications
Florida Senate 2001 Session Summary
The 2001 Session Summary of Major Legislation Passed is a collection of reports submitted by Senate Committees to the Secretary of the Senate. These reports have been compiled and edited for standardization. This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer or Senate Office.
- Compiled 2001 Session Summary [707KB] (pdf)
- Agriculture and Consumer Services [18KB] (pdf)
- Appropriations [42KB] (pdf)
- Banking and Insurance [84KB] (pdf)
- Children and Families [49KB] (pdf)
- Commerce and Economic Opportunities [48KB] (pdf)
- Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs [23KB] (pdf)
- Criminal Justice [91KB] (pdf)
- Education [58KB] (pdf)
- Ethics and Elections [21KB] (pdf)
- Finance and Taxation [19KB] (pdf)
- Governmental Oversight and Productivity [40KB] (pdf)
- Health, Aging and Long-term Care [123KB] (pdf)
- Judiciary [51KB] (pdf)
- Natural Resources [24KB] (pdf)
- Regulated Industries [12KB] (pdf)
- Rules and Calendar [7KB] (pdf)
- Senate Special Master [11KB] (pdf)
- Transportation [64KB] (pdf)
- Index [46KB] (pdf)