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CBIRS Request 1222
Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #1222
Biscayne Bay Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program
Requester: Miami Dade County Organization: Department of Environmental Resources Management
Project Title: Biscayne Bay Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program Date Submitted 1/14/2004 5:24:04 PM
Sponsors: Margolis
Statewide Interest:
The program is a recommended priority activity in the most recent approved Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Plan for Biscayne Bay and the Biscayne Bay Partnership Initiative report. It also provides much needed data for protecting public health in areas of the Bay and tributaries used for swimming, fishing, boating, and other recreational activities. It is critical to ongoing efforts to restore the South Florida ecosystem, define water quantity and performance measures for the Bay projects implemented as part of Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), and define minimum flows and levels for the Lower East Coast Water Supply plan.
Recipient: Miami-Dade County DERM   Contact: Susan Markley, Ph. D.  
  33 SW 2nd Avenue, PH2   Contact Phone: (305) 372-6863  
  Miami 33130   Contact email:  
Counties: Dade
Gov't Entity: Yes Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit):  
Project Description:
This is an ongoing water quality monitoring program that has been cooperatively funded by the State of Florida and Miami-Dade County for more than 20 years. The program includes monthly collection and analysis of samples from 100 locations in Biscayne Bay, the Miami River, and other canals. Water samples are analyzed for nutrients, clarity, sewage pollution, trace metals, and physical characteristics. The program also includes monitoring of seagrass and soft coral communities. The purpose of the program is to identify geographical patterns and temporal trends, direct habitat and stormwater restoration projects, evaluate effectiveness of ongoing management and regulation, and support development of models for regional water management programs, such as stormwater master plans, CERP, and Lower East Coast Water Supply. Data from the program support regulatory decisions, such as application of water quality criteria and antidegradation standards for the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve, an Outstanding Florida Water. The data also has been used to identify impaired waters in connection with the state's TMDL program. The data is shared with SFWMD, federal agencies, and is available to the public.
Is this a water project as described in Chapter 2002-291, Laws of Florida? Yes
Has the project been submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection? Yes
DEP Identfying Number: OT20034000
Measurable Outcome Anticipated:
The outcome of this project is a continuing long-term, quality-assured dataset that is used to support scientifically sound management decisions. This water quality monitoring program has provided information necessary to identify and eliminate sources of pollution to Biscayne Bay, a State Aquatic Preserve and National Park.
Amount requested from the State for this project this year: $200,000
Total cost of the project: $423,000
Request has been made to fund: Operations
What type of match exists for this project? Local
  Cash Amount $200,000   In-kind Amount $23,000
Was this project previously funded by the state?   Yes
  Fiscal Year: 2003-2004 Amount: $200,000
Is future-year funding likely to be requested?   Yes
  Amount: $200,000 To Fund: Operations
Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?   Unknown
Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Unknown
Is there a documented need for this project? Yes
  Documentation: The Surface Water Management and Improvement (SWIM) Plan for Biscayne Bay and the Biscayne Bay Partn
Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?   Yes
  Hearing Body: Miami Dade Delegation
  Hearing Meeting Date: 12/03/2003