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CBIRS Request 1698
Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #1698
Hypoluxo Natural Scrub Area Project
Requester: Mayor Kenneth Schultz Organization: Town of Hypoluxo
Project Title: Hypoluxo Natural Scrub Area Project Date Submitted 1/15/2004 3:44:31 PM
Sponsors: Atwater
Statewide Interest:
Trail head to Palm Beach County Scrub Preserve supported by the Florida Communities Trust
Recipient: Town of Hypoluxo   Contact: Mayor Kenneth Schultz  
  7580 S. Federal Hwy   Contact Phone: (561) 582-0155  
  Hypoluxo 33462   Contact email:
Counties: Palm Beach
Gov't Entity: Yes Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit):  
Project Description:
The project is a 2.5 acre entranceway to a 95-acre natural scrub area. The entrance will have a circular road with parking for vehicles and buses. There will be a covered elevated walkway with two 60-foot towers, one on each end. This will permit viewing the scrub area from the walkway or towers. There will be informative panels along the walkway pointing out what is being viewed of the scrub from the particular vantage point. Interpretative panels will explain the history of the Barefoot Mailmen and contain information about the natural area. The entire 2.5 acreas will be heavily landscaped with natural planting. The area will be covered with trees and plants that one might have been exposed to in this area over 100 years ago. There will be a statue commemorating the Barefoot Mailmen who resided in Hypoluxo prior to 1900.
Is this a water project as described in Chapter 2002-291, Laws of Florida? No
Measurable Outcome Anticipated:
The project site, named Hypoluxo Scrub Natural Area, will be the access point for visitors to the scrub. It will serve as a trailhead and as the Town's only public park. In addition to providing access, the site will also embrace Hypoluxo's unique historical connection to the Barefoot Mailmen. The town is developing an interpretive display and monument to the history of the area. The site, which was a commercial property before being cleared, will be heavily landscaped and will greatly enhance the view from Hypoluxo Road. The improvements being made will involve enhancing the pedestrian opportunities and spur economic growth. The area around the project is undergoing revitalization as new businesses are opening and new residents are moving in. The project is essential into improving the area around the roadway and acting as a catalyst for economic development.
Amount requested from the State for this project this year: $150,000
Total cost of the project: $1,345,000
Request has been made to fund: Construction
What type of match exists for this project? Local
  Cash Amount $1,195,000  
Was this project previously funded by the state?   No
Is future-year funding likely to be requested?   No
Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?   No
Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? No
Is there a documented need for this project? Yes
  Documentation: Enhances outdoor trail facilities according to the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreational Plan
Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?   Yes
  Hearing Body: Town Council for the Town of Hypoluxo
  Hearing Meeting Date: 12/10/2003