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CBIRS Request 26
Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #26
Eastern Shores Stormwater Retrofit Phase III
Requester: Mr. Gary Brown Organization: City of North Miami Beach
Project Title: Eastern Shores Stormwater Retrofit Phase III Date Submitted 1/13/2004 2:35:55 PM
Sponsors: Wilson
Statewide Interest:
Completion of the project will accomplish a number of goals that include protecting public health by reducing pollutant waters and improving storm water management. The Biscayne Bay SWIM Plan has identified Maule Lake as a target water body. Maule Lake is an estuarine lagoon with degraded water quality that provides head water to the lower reach of the Oleta River. This portion of the Oleta River passes through the wetlands of the Oleta River State Recreation Area. Constructing an effective storm water management system would significantly reduce pollutant ladings t these waters, which are heavily used for public recreation. In addition, during the course of the work, lateral connections will be made to the sanitary sewer system for connections that are deficient.
Recipient: City of North Miami Beach   Contact: Ana M. Gonzalez  
  17011 N.E. 19th Avenue   Contact Phone: (305) 957-3524  
  North Miami Beach 33162   Contact email:
Counties: Dade
Gov't Entity: Yes Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit):  
Project Description:
The purpose of this project is to provide for the retrofitting of the Stormwater infrastructure in a portion of the Eastern Shores Basin located within the City of North Miami Beach. This will include designing and constructing improvements to the existing drainage systems by means of french drains, grease and oil interceptors, grit chambers, and the replacement/refurbishment of stormwater outfalls which discharge into the Maule Lake portion of North Biscayne Bay and Dumfoundling Bay. The City will be responsible for all design, permitting, construction and quality control. The design and construction will be sufficient to meet all applicable regulatory requirements and codes of practice. During the course of the work, and lateral connections that are discovered to exist between the sanitary sewer collection system and the stormwater system will be eliminated. The proposal is requestin funding for Phase III of the Eastern Shores Stormwater Retrofit project. This phase consists of N.E. 164th Street from N.E. 29th Avenue to N.E. 35th Avenue, including the tributary avenues. Each avenue represents a finger of land jutting into Maule Lake with canals on the east and west sides, and the lake itself to the northeast side. Phase I of the project, N.E. 168th Street to N.E. 171st Street, was completed in 1995. Subsequently, Phase II of the Basin retrofit, N.E. 165th Street, N.E. 166th Street, and N.E. 167th Street west of N.E. 35th Avenue was completed in 1997.
Is this a water project as described in Chapter 2002-291, Laws of Florida? No
Measurable Outcome Anticipated:
Improved stormwater management (cost of project is an estimate)
Amount requested from the State for this project this year: $1,440,000
Total cost of the project: $1,584,000
Request has been made to fund: Construction
What type of match exists for this project? None
  Cash Amount $  
Was this project previously funded by the state?   Yes
  Fiscal Year: 1994-1995 Amount: $200,000
Is future-year funding likely to be requested?   No
Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?   Unknown
Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Unknown
Is there a documented need for this project? Yes
  Documentation: Biscayne Bay SWIM Plan
Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?   Yes
  Hearing Body: Miami-Dade Delegation
  Hearing Meeting Date: 12/03/2003