Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #299 |
Keyser Mill Road |
Requester: |
Ms. Paula Riggs, Commission Chairperson |
Organization: |
Okaloosa County Board of Commissioners |
Project Title: |
Keyser Mill Road |
Date Submitted |
1/14/2004 10:21:19 AM |
Sponsors: |
Clary |
Statewide Interest: |
currently sediments are carried from Keyser Mill Road to Baggett Creek by stormwater runoff, Baggett Creek discharges into Yellow River (an outstanding Florida water body). The Yellow River flows to the west, crossing Okaloosa County into Santa Rosa County prior to discharging into Pensacola Bay. By paving (protective surfacing) Keyser Mill Road, sediments carried from the dirt road to the Baggett Creek by stormwater runoff would be stopped. Additionally, roadside swales or other effective means of stormwater treatment will be incorporated into the project to allow pollutants (the road's surface collects particulates from partially burned gas and diesel fuel, oil, etc which typically contain high amounts of phosphorus) time to settle and filter before they enter Baggett creek. Wtih the hald of the sediments, the continuing destruction of plants and bottom dwelling organisms will also be stopped. In addistion, dust pollution from the dirt road will be reduced. The dust in the air causes many pulmonary related problems for the general public |
Recipient: |
Okaloosa County Board of Commissioners |
Contact: |
Danielle Slaterpryce |
1250 North Eglin Parkway, Suite C112 |
Contact Phone: |
(850) 689-5772 |
Fort Walton Beach 32579 |
Contact email: |
grants@okaloosacler.gccoxmail.com |
Counties: |
Okaloosa |
Gov't Entity: |
Yes |
Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit): |
Project Description: |
Keyser Mill Road is a dirt road located in Section 19, Township 3 north, Range 24 West and Section 24, Township 3 North Range 25 West. In order to upgrade the quality of the existing roadway to obtain desirable environmental improvements, paving will begin on the west side of Baggett Creek and will extend southwestward for a distance of 1.44 miles. Best management practices for erosion control will be employed during the paving to prevent water quality impacts. Additionally, roadside swales or other effective means of storm water treatment will be incorporated into the project to prevent wter quality impacts after paving. |
Is this a water project as described in Chapter 2002-291, Laws of Florida? |
Yes |
Has the project been submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection? |
Yes |
DEP Identfying Number: |
OT20022240 |
Measurable Outcome Anticipated: |
Baggett Creek discharges into Yellow River (an outstanding Florida Water body). The yellow river flows to the west, crossing Okaloosa County into Santa Rosa County prior to discharging into Pensacola Bay. By paving (protective Surfacing) Keyser Mill Road, sediments carried from the dirt road to the Baggett Creed by stormwater runoff wouljd be stopped. Additionally, roadside swales or other effective means of stormwater treatment will be incorporated into the project to allow pollutants (the road's surface collects particulated from parially burned gas and diesel fuel, oil, etc which typically contain high amount of phosphorus) time to settle and tilter before they enter Baggett Creek. With the hald of the sediments the continuing destruction of plants and bottom dwelling organisms will also be stopped. Pensacola Bay and its watershet are listted as a priority water body by the Northwest Florida Water management District, which has created a surface water improvement and management program to encourage wateshed-based efforts to improve water quality within the bay. This project is included within the Local Mitigation strategy of Okaloosa County and surrounding municipalities as a SWIM project. While the NFWMD does not as a policy endorse individual projects, they are aware of the project and its inclusion in the SWIM prgram because the stromwater, which is now discharged to the creek without treatment, would receive a greater level of treatment and therby provide an overall water quality improvement |
Amount requested from the State for this project this year: |
$1,312,000 |
Total cost of the project: |
$1,786,520 |
Request has been made to fund: |
Construction |
What type of match exists for this project? |
Local |
Cash Amount |
$ |
In-kind Amount |
$474,520 |
Was this project previously funded by the state? |
No |
Is future-year funding likely to be requested? |
No |
Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request? |
No |
Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? |
No |
Is there a documented need for this project? |
Yes |
Documentation: |
This project is included in the Okaloosa County 5 year Capital Improvement Plan. |
Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? |
Yes |
Hearing Body: |
Okaloosa County Board of county Commissioners |
Hearing Meeting Date: |
11/04/2003 |