Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #999 |
Indian River County Main Relief Canal Pollution Control Structure |
Requester: |
Jim Davis |
Organization: |
Public Works |
Project Title: |
Indian River County Main Relief Canal Pollution Control Structure |
Date Submitted |
1/13/2004 10:28:00 AM |
Sponsors: |
Pruitt |
Statewide Interest: |
Protection of state waters. |
Recipient: |
Public Works |
Contact: |
W. Keith McCully, P.E. Esq. |
1840 25th Street |
Contact Phone: |
(772) 567-8000 |
Vero Beach 32960 |
Contact email: |
kmccully@ircgov.com |
Counties: |
Indian River |
Gov't Entity: |
Yes |
Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit): |
Project Description: |
The Indian River Farms Water Control District (IRFWCD) in Indian River County, Florida is an area over 53,000 acres that is drained by an extensive network of man-made canals. The IRFWCD discharges into the Indian River Lagoon, an Estuary of National Significance and a St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) program priority water body. In the East Indian River County master Stormwater Management Plan (master Plan) (CAI, ECT and BSA; 2002) a pollutant loading analysis showed that the three discharge canals of the IRFWCD convey large amounts of suspended solids, nutrients, and floating vegetative debris into the lagoon. Treatment alternatives were investigated in the Master Plan. It was recommended that sediment and floating debris colletion systems be used to effect a significant reduction in suspended solids, nutrients and floatables into the Lagoon. This project is for the contruction of a large treatment device on the Main Relief canal that utilizes vortex technology to remove suspended solids and floating debris from a circular flow of canal water within the structure. The proposed location of the treatment structure is west of US Highway 1 and the FEC railroad near the Vero Beach airport. The vortex unit will be integrated with a self cleaning fixed bar screen and traveling rake to remove large masses of vegetative debris such as hyacinths,water lettuce, duckweed and grasses and floating trash before the water enters the vortex unit. Annual loading of vegetative debris has recently been estimated at 10 million wet pounds. This represents a significant muck and nutrient source to the Indian River Lagoon. Based upon tissue analysis, this loading represents 1,500 lbs. of phosphorus and 20,000 lbs. of nitrogen on a dry weight basis. In addition, the vortex unit itself is designed to remove suspended sediments as well as floating debris. Based on water quality data for the Main Relief Canal and projected removal efficiencies of the vortex unit at a design flow rate of 294 cfs, the following annual pollutant load reductions are estimated: TSS - 1,207,989 lbs. TN-31,234 lbs. TP - 7,722. This one project provides a significant opportunity for Indian River County to make great strides in meeting the proposed TMDLs for this basin of the Indian River Lagoon.
The bar screen to be constructed is based on a design that has been proven to be effective and has been in continuous operation for four years at a stormwater treatment area in West Palm Beach as part of the Everglades restoration project. The vortex unit will contain a 2400-micron stainless steel cylindrical screen, approximately 20 ft. diameter. The shearing effect of the circular flow of water against the screen allows the removal of smaller particles in the 500-micron range from the stormwater. This vortex unit design has been proven at the higher flow rates similar to the Main Relief Canal, in California and Australia. To ensure the nutrient removal efficiency of this system, maintenance will occur on a daily basis if needed using a clam bucket and a pump installed in the sum pfi the vortex unit. Indian River County understands that maintenance is the key to pollutant removal efficiency of this type of system. A preliminary engineering report has been completed for this project with unit sizing and site location addressed. Work orders for site survey and final design are being generated. |
Is this a water project as described in Chapter 2002-291, Laws of Florida? |
Yes |
Has the project been submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection? |
Yes |
DEP Identfying Number: |
SW20032017 |
Measurable Outcome Anticipated: |
The Indian River Lagoon (IRL) in this area is designated Class III - fishable and swimmable. The pollutant loads that this project will remove from the Main Canal discharge will improve the Lagoon's health. Seagrass coverage in the IRL has significantly declined due to turbid water caused by suspended sediments and nutrient enriched algal growth. This habitat loss and water quality degradation has been severe in Vero Beach area, primarily due to the relief canal discharges. This project will remove approximately 10 million pounds of vegetative debris annually as well as one million pounds of suspended sediment which contributes to muck and suspended light-blocking particles in the lagoon. Coupled with the removal of over ten thousand pounds of phosphorus, this project will improve the health of the IRL's habitats and water quality. This project is important to the east coast of Florida and federal waters due to its central location between the Sebastian and Ft Pierce inlets and the documented spawining grounds for many estuarine species. |
Amount requested from the State for this project this year: |
$985,000 |
Total cost of the project: |
$1,985,000 |
Request has been made to fund: |
Construction |
What type of match exists for this project? |
Local |
Cash Amount |
$1,000,000 |
Was this project previously funded by the state? |
No |
Is future-year funding likely to be requested? |
No |
Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request? |
No |
Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? |
Unknown |
Is there a documented need for this project? |
Yes |
Documentation: |
East Indian River County Master Stormwater Management Plan |
Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? |
Yes |
Hearing Body: |
Indian River Bd County Commissioners |
Hearing Meeting Date: |
03/04/2003 |