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CBIRS Request 21
Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #21
Project Reconnect/The Habitual Misdemeanor Offender Program
Requester: Reginald Gaffney Organization: Community Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Project Title: Project Reconnect/The Habitual Misdemeanor Offender Program Date Submitted 12/19/2005 5:01:55 PM
Sponsors: Wise
Statewide Interest:
The documented need is Senate Bill 1376 (2004)to provide services to the Habitual Misdemeanor Offenders living with chronic mental illness and/or substance abuse.
Recipient: Community Rehabilitation Center, Inc.   Contact: Jimmie P. Hicks  
  623 Beechwood Street   Contact Phone: (904) 358-1211  
  Jacksonville 32206   Contact email:
Counties: Duval
Gov't Entity:   Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit): Yes
Project Description:
Community Rehabilitation Center, Inc. has determined from research and observations, the need to reconnect individuals with multiple misdemeanor offenses that are living with chronic mental illness and/or substance abuse back into the mainstream of society. The need for individuals to become less dependent on the City's welfare system, fill up the jail cells and become more dependent on their own merits of endeavor or employment. The Clinicians and Outreach Staff at Community Rehabilitation Center have developed the following Program. This Program is in stages and must be adhered to as written. Stage I Step I - First Contact a. A referral form will be completed by Jail Outreach work from CRC and faxed to Project Reconnect. b. A telephone call will be made to set up a time for an outreach worker to complete the outreach form and return to Clinician. c. An appointment will also be made for the Clinician to complete an assessment in home or on site. d. An in-depth assessment will be completed and signed by the individual and the Clinician. e. HIV/AIDS Risk Assessment f. A copy of the court order must be placed on the individuals file. Step II - Program Enrollment a. The individual will meet with the Clinician to develop a treatment/service plan on site. b. A determination for supported employment will be determined at this time. c. Group therapy will be required once weekly, or the frequency will be determined at the time of treatment/service plan development on site. d. Individual therapy will be also be required at least two times a month; or the frequency will be determined at the time of treatment/service plan development. e. Progress notes will be written for each contact made with individual and placed in each individual chart. Stage III Step I - Identifying Barriers to Reconnection a. Mental Health Issues � Mental Status Examine to determine if medications are needed � If medications are needed, Psychiatric Evaluation is scheduled and medications are prescribed. � Medication Management is to be done once a month if needed. � Group therapy will be done minimally once a week. � Individual therapy sessions are to be done twice a month, or more if needed. � Bio-psychosocial Evaluations will be done to determine if substance abuse treatment is needed. � If substance abuse treatment is needed, a Trans-theoretical Model Assessment is done to determine what stage of change the individual is at present. � Substance abuse therapy groups will be done once a week if needed. � Individual substance abuse therapy sessions will be done two times a month, or more if needed. � Financial Assessment is to done determine what the financial status is of the individual. � An Apticom Vocational Assessment will be completed to determine what type of job the individual is capable of handling. � An Employment Specialist/Job Coach will be assigned to individual to complete: -job search -job training if needed -job placement -job monitoring as needed � Supported Employment Sessions will be held on and off job site for support. � Documentation will be completed for each contact with individual. b. Weekly progress notes will be complete to monitor progress. c. Assessment eligibility of Services outside services and/or benefits. Stage IV Step I - Start Reconnection Process a. Upon 90 days of successful employment, reconnection process began. b. If mental health issues continue bimonthly individual therapy sessions are to be held. c. If substance abuse, issues continue bimonthly individual substance abuse sessions are to be held. d. Begin Anger Management classes. (Class should last no longer than 6 weeks) e. Begin Stress Management classes. (Class should not last no longer than six weeks.) f. Begin Relapse Prevention classes. (Mental illness or substance abuse) g. Begin Time Management Classes. (Class should last no longer than six weeks) h. Begin Money Management classes. (Class should last no longer than six weeks) i. Begin Budget Skills classes. (Class should not last no longer than six weeks) Step II - Reconnection with place of employment a. Complete Supported Employment Classes b. Daily monitoring - decrease to monthly monitoring for 6 months, or according to court order. Step III - Provide Adult Basic Education and GED Preparation if needed. Step IV - Provide the necessary supports to accomplish the remainder of Treatment/ Service Plan Goals and Objectives. Step III - Reconnection Complete - Discharge a. Ensure that if individual has mental health issues and is on medication, that all doctor's appointments are kept. b. Ensure that if individual is substance abuse that NA or AA meetings are kept. c. Ensure apparent recognize symptoms of relapse. d. Do monthly checks for at least 6 more months. (Can be done on the job or at home, make sure it is face to face). e. Discharge from Program. Additional Services: CRC will also provide 24 hour assessment services for individuals in need of a Mental Health Assessment, this service can be requested by the Duval County Sheriff's Office or other Case Management Agencies. A License Practitioner of the Healing Arts will provide this around the clock service. (e.g. License Mental Health Counselor)
Is this a project related to a federal or state declared disaster? No
Measurable Outcome Anticipated:
To reconnect 40-75 individuals with multiple misdemeanor offenses living with chronic mental illness and/or substance abuse back into the mainstream of society. By remaining mental stable, clean and becoming and remaining gainfully employed.
Amount requested from the State for this project this year: $500,000
Total cost of the project: $575,000
Request has been made to fund: Operations
What type of match exists for this project? Private
  Cash Amount $   In-kind Amount $75,000
Was this project previously funded by the state?   Yes
  Fiscal Year: 2005-2006 Amount: $150,000
Is future-year funding likely to be requested?   Yes
  Amount: $500,000 To Fund: Operations
Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?   No
Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? No
Is there a documented need for this project? Yes
  Documentation: Senate Bill 1376 and FCH
Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?   Yes
  Hearing Body: Duval County Delegation
  Hearing Meeting Date: 11/17/2005
Is this a water project as described in Section 403.885, Laws of Florida?   No