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CBIRS Request 1581
Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #1581
Miami-Dade Solid Waste Department Beneficial Use Waste-to-Energy Ash
Requester: Deborah Silver Organization: Miami-Dade County, Solid Waste Dept.
Project Title: Miami-Dade Solid Waste Department Beneficial Use Waste-to-Energy Ash Date Submitted 1/3/2008 11:58:19 AM
Sponsors: Wilson
Statewide Interest:
Currently, limerock is used to construct the roadbed of new streets, widening or for the complete reconstruction of existing streets. Considering the increasing cost of virgin material, the increasing demand by competing businesses and the potential for severe restrictions in limerock mining in SE Florida, the search for alternative material is important and urgent.
Recipient: Miami-Dade County, Solid Waste Dept.   Contact: Deborah Silver  
  2525 N.W. 62nd Street, 5th Floor   Contact Phone: (305) 514-6690  
  Miami 33147   Contact email:
Counties: Miami-Dade
Gov't Entity: Yes Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit):  
Project Description:
Develop a sampling scheme to thoroughly represent the material and conduct sampling accordingly. Consideration of sampling from stockpiled ash, separately for old (metal-rich and low in lime) and new (metal-reduced but higher in lime) ash. b) Conduct a complete analysis of the ash, concerning chemical components and physical characteristics, e.g. particle size distribution, frequency of components related to particle size distribution, hydraulic curing characteristics etc. and definition of variation of characteristics. c) Laboratory scale processing with the goal to produce a usable substitute or partial substitute of virgin limerock. Production of improved material for research of its chemical and physical characteristics. d) Report of results and recommendation of ash use in case of positive result. Indicate quality parameters of new material produced from ash. Indicate tonnage of stockpiled ash before and after October 2000 (start-up of new metal-from-ash recovery system. Indicate potential of financial savings through use of ash by substituting virgin limerock. Indicate potential reduction of natural resources through use of ash. Indicate value of recoverable metals from ash. Indicate pilot plant design and cost of pilot plant operation for second phase. Indicate location(s) for test application. e) In case of negative results, indicate the necessary means of producing a usable material.
Is this a project related to a federal or state declared disaster? No
Measurable Outcome Anticipated:
Enhanced supply of road construction material at a potentially reduced cost. A research project shall be initiated to make beneficial use of ash produced by Miami-Dade County�s Waste-to-Energy plant. This plant produces more than 100,000 tons of ash annually. The material is landfilled since start-up of the facility 24 years ago and about 3 million tons of ash is available from this stockpile. The envisioned beneficial use of Waste-to-Energy ash might have numerous applications. The substitution of virgin rock, thus the reduced exploitation of natural resources and positive impact on related groundwater issues is possible. The mixture of virgin limerock and/or recycled concrete with modified ash might exhibit better physical characteristics than the traditional roadbed materials alone. One application for this mixture might be the reconstruction of roads with frequently failing, weak roadbeds.
Amount requested from the State for this project this year: $250,000
Total cost of the project: $250,000
Request has been made to fund: Operations
What type of match exists for this project? None
  Cash Amount $  
Was this project previously funded by the state?   No
Is future-year funding likely to be requested?   No
Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?   No
Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Unknown
Is there a documented need for this project? Yes
  Documentation: FDOT Initial Research
Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?   Yes
  Hearing Body: Miami-Dade County Commission
Is this a water project as described in Section 403.885, Laws of Florida?   No