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CBIRS Request 2208
Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #2208
Statewide CARD Programs-Autism Programs
Requester: Dr. Lindee Morgan Organization: FAU, FSU, UCF, UF-Gainesville, UF-Jacksonville, UM with NSU Satellite, USF
Project Title: Statewide CARD Programs-Autism Programs Date Submitted 1/4/2008 10:06:41 AM
Sponsors: Lawson
Statewide Interest:
Provides support system to local school districts in working with children with autism spectrum disorders and related disabilities, their family members, and the professionals who educate and treat them
Recipient: FAU, FSU, UCF, UF-Gainesville, UF-Jacksonville, UM with NSU   Contact: Dr. Lindee Morgan  
  624 B. North Adams Street   Contact Phone: (850) 488-4830  
  Tallahassee 32301   Contact email:
Counties: {Statewide}
Gov't Entity: Yes Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit):  
Project Description:
CARD serves both children and adults who have autism, pervasive developmental disorders, or autistic-like disabilities. Primary focus is to provide individualized, direct assistance including family support, technical assistance, parent and professional training programs, and public education activities.CARD serves children and adults with autism, pervasive developmental disorders, or autistic-like disabilities. Primary focus is to provide individualized, direct assistance including family support, technical assistance, parent and professional training programs, and public education activities
Is this a project related to a federal or state declared disaster? No
Measurable Outcome Anticipated:
Meets statutory requirement to provide technical and direct assistance to serve people with autism and to assist the community service providers (e.g. public schools) in providing the most appropriate care and instruction.Meets statutory requirement to provide technical and direct assistance to serve people with autism and to assist the community service providers (e.g., Public Schools) in providing the most appropriate care and instruction
Amount requested from the State for this project this year: $10,218,000
Total cost of the project: $10,218,000
Request has been made to fund: Operations
What type of match exists for this project? None
  Cash Amount $  
Was this project previously funded by the state?   Yes
  Fiscal Year: 2007-2008 Amount: $7,518,000
Is future-year funding likely to be requested?   Yes
  Amount: $10,218,000 To Fund: Operations
Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?   Yes
  Agency Education, Department Of
Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? Unknown
Is there a documented need for this project? Yes
  Documentation: Florida Legislature - Task Force on Autism
Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?   No
Is this a water project as described in Section 403.885, Laws of Florida?   No