Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #2231 |
Post Adoption Services |
Requester: |
Jim Adams, CEO |
Organization: |
Family Support Services of North Florida, Inc. |
Project Title: |
Post Adoption Services |
Date Submitted |
1/4/2008 12:09:18 PM |
Sponsors: |
Wise |
Statewide Interest: |
As the lead agency of community based care in Duval County and Nassau County, Family Support Services (FSS) is committed to finding permanency for as many children as possible. To this end, we are committed to successfully transitioning children from foster care into pre-adoptive placements, and through the finalization process. For many of these pre-adoptive placements, resources and services are necessary for adoption finalization. FSS is continually seeing the breakdown of pre-adoptive placements because of the pre-adoptive parents� lack of understanding of the child�s behavioral and therapeutic needs. This funding will provide the resources and services necessary to educate our pre-adoptive parents on how to successfully transition the family unit throughout the adoption process. Once adoption finalization has occurred, further transition resources and services are frequently necessary to maintain permanency. Assessments indicate that 10-15% of adoptions fail. This organization�s experience indicates that if resources and services are provided directly in the home, then these adoptions are significantly less likely to fail. To prevent failed adoptions that result in the child(ren) being placed back into care, FSS will provide continued services to assist families. FSS is committed to providing pre and post adoption support to families and children in need of services to help stabilize the lives of the children and ensure that the family unit remains intact.
In order to ensure the success of our adoptive families by providing resources and services during these transitional periods, FSS is requesting funding of $150,000. It is anticipated that the $150,000 will cover expenses to hire one full-time behavioralist and one full-time licensed therapist that will respond immediately to crisis calls where pre-adoptive placements and post-adoptive placements are in jeopardy. The funds requested will also go towards compiling an operation budget, monthly newsletter for adoptive families, support groups, parent education classes, and limited respite services to save adoptive placements.
Recipient: |
Family Support Services of North Florida, Inc. |
Contact: |
Jim Adams |
4057 Carmichael Avenue, Suite 101 |
Contact Phone: |
(904) 421-5824 |
Jacksonville 32207 |
Contact email: |
jim.adams@fssnf.org |
Counties: |
Duval |
Gov't Entity: |
Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit): |
Yes |
Project Description: |
Adoption has a lifelong impact on children and family, and we will provide support for Northeast Florida families experiencing difficulties in pre-adoptive placements and after adoption. FSS will provide a full range of direct services designed to prevent adoption disruptions and to intervene with crisis counseling and other support when needed. All of the services are intended to enhance positive outcomes for adoptive children and their families. Families will be able to self refer to the program. When families seek services, an intake person or post adoption counselor will conduct a brief intake questionnaire to determine what service is being requested or is needed. Following this, the following services will be available to the family and child(ren):
� Crisis Management Team-This team, comprised of primary worker, adoption worker, behavioralist or therapist, FSS staff, and parents, will convene if it appears that an adoptive placement or adoption may fail. This group will discuss the issues the family is facing and determine the best course of action which could include any or all of the below services. This group will continue to meet on a regular basis, as is necessary, to assess the progress of the services and determine any additional services as circumstances change or improve.
� Immediate Response Behavioralist� When appropriate, FSS will send a behavioralist into the home (within 24-48 hours of call) to help the parents address the child�s behavioral issues in an attempt to save the adoption. This Behavioralist will be solely designated to provide assistance to those families in need of assistance to save pre-adoptive placements or prevent a failed adoption. This Behavioralist will have experience with the typical behaviors that result from pre-adoptive and post-adoptive placements. The Behavioralist�s services are designed to build a network of supports that promote positive and effective interactions for caregivers and children through the implementation of individualized behavior intervention plans that are based on a behavior assessment or review. This service is also designed to provide caregivers of children who receive behavior intervention plans with performance based training that provides the caregiver with the necessary skills to implement the child�s behavior intervention plan.
� Support Groups-Parent-run meetings will allow adoptive parents and children to enrich their lives through mutual support, helpful advice, shared joys and milestones.
� Newsletter and Printed Resource Materials-FSS will provide adoptive families with useful information to help their new families succeed. This monthly newsletter will address appropriate post-adoption topics to meet families� needs such as behavior tips, meeting schedule, services that are available, and new resources that may become available. Additionally, there are also many excellent children�s books about adoption. FSS will provide these age appropriate books to children after finalization to help facilitate a smooth transition into their new family.
� Case Management-A comprehensive assessment of the child and family will be completed to assess a family�s needs and establish a service plan to address them.
� Educational Support - When requested by parents, there will be participation in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) with the child(ren), parents and school personnel to ensure the best educational placement is arranged and supported. This may also include after school options, when appropriate.
� Individual and Family Counseling Services-A full-time therapist that can go into the families� home will help adoptive parents understand that their child�s reaction or attitude is related to attempts to heal from previous abuse, neglect and grief from the loss of the birth family and to assist the family in a crisis to avoid disruption. The counselor will be available to provide individual and/or family counseling in the adoptions office or in the family home, when appropriate. The counselor may refer the family for additional counseling or a psychiatric evaluation or to other community resources if it is deemed that the issues are not adoption-related.
� Limited Respite Services-These services will be offered to provide temporary relief during stressful times and, if necessary, to ensure that permanency remains intact.
� Parent Education Classes-These classes will improve parenting skills, as well as provide training on child development as it relates to adopted children and pertains to adoption issues (i.e. attachment, loyalty, entitlement, trans-racial/trans-cultural issues).
� Limited Travel Expenses to Facilitate Out-of-State Pre-Adoptive Placement Visits-Many pre-adoptive families live out-of-state and are unable to provide full travel expenses to facilitate pre-adoptive visits. The pre-adoptive visit is a very important aspect of the adoption process and visits are necessary to ensure the successful transition of a child into the family unit. FSS will use this money to help families who need financial assistance to either visit the child in Florida and/or (where appropriate) to facilitate the child traveling out-of-state to visit a prospective adoptive family. Providing travel support during the transition period will help to increase the number of successful adoptions.
FSS is requesting $150,000 to fund this program. The following costs for the program are below:
1. Pre/Post Adoption Behavioralist - $50,000 + $12,500 (benefits) = $62,500
2. Pre/Post Adoption Licensed Therapist/Counselor - $50,000 + $12,500 (benefits) = $62,500
3. Support Group - $5,000
4. Monthly Newsletter and Printed Resource Materials- $2,500
5. Limited Respite to Save Adoptive Placements - $5,000
6. Parent Education Classes - $2,500
7. Additional Support Staff to facilitate crisis management calls and cases/operational budget - $2,500
8. Limited Travel Expenses to Facilitate Out-Of-State Pre-Adoptive Placement Visits - $7,500
Is this a project related to a federal or state declared disaster? |
No |
Measurable Outcome Anticipated: |
�80% of families will report improved relationships within the family system.
�75% of families will remain intact one year after initiating program.
�90% of parents will report satisfaction with parent education and support groups.
�100% of requests for information will be responded to within 72 hours of request.
�90% of families will report satisfaction with information and referral services.
Amount requested from the State for this project this year: |
$150,000 |
Total cost of the project: |
$150,000 |
Request has been made to fund: |
Operations |
What type of match exists for this project? |
None |
Cash Amount |
$ |
Was this project previously funded by the state? |
Yes |
Fiscal Year: |
2004-2005 |
Amount: |
$100,000 |
Is future-year funding likely to be requested? |
Yes |
Amount: |
$150,000 |
To Fund: |
Operations |
Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request? |
No |
Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? |
No |
Is there a documented need for this project? |
Yes |
Documentation: |
Assessments document that overall 10-15% of adoptions dissolve/fail. See attached |
Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)? |
Yes |
Hearing Body: |
Duval Delegation 11-28-07 - Nassau Delegation 11-28-07 |
Is this a water project as described in Section 403.885, Laws of Florida? |
No |