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The Florida Senate

SB 1998 — Transportation

by Budget Committee

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Budget Committee (BC)

Senate Bill 1998, relating to transportation, contains changes to laws which are administered by the Florida Department of Transportation, and provides for the following:

  • Redirects a portion of title fees from the General Revenue Fund to the State Transportation Trust Fund, resulting in $200 million of new revenue for transportation, which will be transferred to the General Revenue Fund in Fiscal Year 2012-13;
  • Beginning in Fiscal Year 2013-14, the revenues will be allocated to transportation priorities, including:
  • $10 M – Seaport Investment Program ($100 M Bonded);
  • $35 M - Turnpike Enterprise ($350 M Bonded);
  • $10 M - Transportation Disadvantaged Program;
  • $10 M - Small County Outreach Program; and
  • $135 M - Strategic Transportation Projects
  • Transfers the Transportation Economic Development “Road Fund” program from the Department of Economic Opportunity to the Department of Transportation (FDOT or department);
  • Renames ch. 311, F.S., “Seaport Programs and Facilities”; and substantially amends the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development (FSTED) program;
  • Provides a minimum of $15 million per year from the State Transportation Trust Fund for the FSTED grant program;
  • Creates s. 311.10, F.S., entitled the Strategic Port Investment Initiative, which directs $35 million annually towards projects which are selected jointly by FDOT and the deepwater ports listed in s. 311.09, F.S.;
  • Creates s. 311.101, F.S., entitled the Intermodal Logistics Center Infrastructure Support Program, which allocates $5 million per year towards funding up to 50% of the eligible costs of local government or private projects that meet certain criteria;
  • Amends several sections of law relating to highway safety and commercial driver licenses to bring the state law into compliance with federal law and regulations;
  • Repeals the transfer of $5 million annually from the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund to the Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund;
  • Repeals the Toll Facility Revolving Trust Fund and transfers those revenues and future revenues to the State Transportation Trust Fund;
  • Provides financial protection to the state for its obligations for Wekiva Parkway construction;
  • Creates s. 339.139, F.S. entitled Transportation Debt Assessment, which implements a transportation debt assessment policy requiring the department to submit a debt load report in conjunction with the tentative work program;
  • Creates s. 339.2825, F.S., entitled Approval of contractor-financed projects, which requires the department to notify the Governor and Legislature prior to advancing a project in the 5-year work program utilizing funds provided by a public-private partnership to be reimbursed as programmed in the adopted work program;
  • Mandates certain actions by FDOT when they receive an inspection report which either recommends a limit on a bridge, or recommends closing a bridge;
  • Enhances FDOT’s authority to establish tolls on certain future limited access facilities in the State Highway System;
  • Allows for bond issuance on high-occupancy toll lanes or express lanes, with certain restrictions on usage;
  • Revises the definition of “economically feasible” as it relates to turnpike projects;
  • Allows private sector entities and off-system toll facilities to use FDOT’s toll collection and video billing systems in order to increase non-toll revenues or add convenience or other value for its customers;
  • Mandates that the FDOT secretary designate a facility which meets the definition of an intermodal logistics center and has been designated as such in the local comprehensive plan as part of the Strategic Intermodal System, upon the facilities request; and
  • Provides a process for summary proceedings within 30 days for a challenge to a consolidated environmental resource permit or associated variance or a sovereign submerged lands authorization issued by the Department of Environmental Protection in connection with the state’s deepwater ports.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2012, except as otherwise provided in this act.

Vote: Senate 38-2; House 85-29