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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 7059— Acceleration Options in Public Education

by Education Committee; Pre-K – 12 Appropriations Subcommittee; K-20 Innovation Subcommittee; and Rep. Stargel (CS/CS/SB 1368 by Budget Subcommittee on Education Pre-K – 12 Appropriations; Education Pre-K – 12 Committee; and Senators Gaetz, Lynn, and Gardiner)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Education Pre-K - 12 Committee (ED)

 Career and Professional Education

The bill provides that secondary schools would no longer be required to have a full-scale career academy in order to be eligible for industry certification bonus funding. This provision maintains the integrity of Career and Professional Education (CAPE) and the rigorous coursework required to attain industry certifications.


The bill provides middle school students the opportunity to attain the instructional technology tools necessary to prepare them for high school, college, and the workforce. Middle school students who attain the highest level of industry certification in a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) area on the Industry Certification Funding List would generate bonus funding upon promotion to the ninth grade. 


The bill also:


·            Requires that the strategic plan developed by school districts, regional workforce boards, and postsecondary institutions address advisement and recruitment of students into career-themed courses and redirection of funds to support career courses and academies;

·            Shortens the timeline for the curriculum review committee to approve or deny newly proposed workforce-related core courses;

·            Requires the State Board of Education to adopt rules that include STEM industry certifications offered in middle school on the Industry Certified Funding List;

·            Requires one career course for middle grade promotion that is focused on workforce trends and labor market demands; and

·            Requires a student who enrolls in and completes a career-themed course to have opportunities to earn postsecondary credit when applicable.


Performance Funding

Under the bill, credit is funded based on a student’s passing the statewide end-of-course assessment without taking the course. High school credits for courses that require an end-of-course assessment, after the third year of administering the assessment, will be funded only upon a student’s passing the assessment.


Early High School Graduation

The bill provides an early graduation option for a student upon earning 24 credits that meet high school graduation requirements.


  ·       If a student graduates early, the district will receive funding for unpaid high school credits.

·         For students who graduate one year early, funding may be provided up to the dollar equivalent of one full-time equivalent (FTE).

·         For students who graduate one semester early, funding may be provided up to the dollar equivalent of one-half FTE.

·         A student who graduates at the end of the first semester is eligible for a Bright Futures Scholarship to enter college in the spring term.


Acceleration Options

Under the bill, all students, not just secondary students, would participate in the Credit Acceleration Program. The bill also:


·         Requires a school district to award credit to a student who attains a passing score on the corresponding statewide, standardized end-of-course assessment; and

·         Creates options for accelerated instruction to eligible students in kindergarten through grade 12.


Dual Enrollment Programs

The bill provides student eligibility criteria for continued enrollment in dual enrollment courses. Additionally, the bill:


·         Provides requirements for faculty members providing instruction in college credit dual enrollment courses;

·         Provides curriculum standards for college credit dual enrollment courses;

·         Authorizes participation at a Florida College System institution based upon capacity, as specified in the dual enrollment articulation agreement;

·         Establishes the college credit hours for participation in an early admission program;

·         Provides home education student eligibility criteria and requires a home education articulation agreement;

·         Provides requirements for developing a school district and Florida College System institution dual enrollment articulation agreement;

·         Repeals a provision that provides for school districts and postsecondary institutions to conduct Advanced Placement instruction within dual enrollment courses; and

·         Requires the Department of Education to develop an electronic system for submitting dual enrollment articulation agreements for compliance review.


Finally, the bill eliminates an exemption from the Florida College System institution admission requirements for secondary students who are not participating in dual enrollment. These are students who are enrolled in college level instruction creditable toward an associate degree, but not towards a high school diploma.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2012.

Vote: Senate 40-0; House 82-33