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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 979 — Developments of Regional Impact

by Economic Affairs Committee; Community and Military Affairs Subcommittee; and Rep. Diaz (CS/CS/SB 1180 by Budget Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Appropriations; Community Affairs Committee; and Senator Bennett)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Community Affairs Committee (CA)

The bill makes a number of changes to the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) program. A DRI is any development that has a substantial effect upon the health, safety, or welfare of citizens of more than one county.

Specifically, this bill requires that comprehensive plan amendments proposing certain developments follow the state coordinated review process. The bill limits the scope of certain recommendations and comments by reviewing agencies regarding proposed developments. Also, it revises certain review criteria for reports and recommendations on the regional impact of proposed developments. The bill requires regional planning agency reports to contain recommendations consistent with the standards of state permitting agencies and water management districts. Additionally, the bill provides that specified changes to a development order are not substantial deviations and provides an exemption from development-of-regional-impact review for proposed developments that meet specified criteria and are located in certain jurisdictions. The bill revises conditions under which a local government is required to rescind a development-of-regional-impact development order.                            

The bill creates a section of law which provides for application and approval of an amendment to the local comprehensive plan by the owner of land that meets certain criteria as an agricultural enclave.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2012.

Vote: Senate 36-3; House 87-31